Club Constitution

Club Constitution

  • Club Name
  • Aim
  • Membership
  • Meetings
  • Committee
  • Finance
  • Amendments to Constitution
  • Dissolution of the Club

The club is called West Highland Wheelers and shall be affiliated with Scottish Cycling.

The club is established to encourage cycling in all its different forms by:

  • Organising and managing cycling for all members of the club.
  • Providing equal opportunities for people to participate.
  • Running events which encourage people from all sections of the community to participate.
  • Promoting the sport.
  • Supporting events, competitions and the development of facilities.
  • Encouraging performance development of individuals by supporting teams and other practical means of support.

Membership of the club is open to all individuals provided they comply with this constitution and regulations of the national governing body.

  • No person shall be refused membership on the grounds of race, age, colour, creed, religion, sex, sexual preference, impairment or disability.
  • All applications for membership shall be accompanied by the annual membership fee, which shall thereafter be payable at the beginning of the new membership year. The membership year shall run from 1 April to 31 March.
  • People who join from December onwards will be deemed to have joined for the following year.
  • Each fully paid up adult member shall be entitled to attend and vote at club General or Annual General Meetings.
  • Fully paid up members may be elected onto the committee.
  • Members fall into one of the following categories:
    • Adult
    • Junior
    • Family

Suspension, Refusal or Termination of Membership

The committee shall be entitled to:

  • Refuse an application for membership on the grounds that it would be prejudicial to the objectives of the Club as set out in Rule 2 of this constitution.
  • to refuse renewal for good and sufficient reason of an existing membership, or terminate or suspend any membership provided that the member concerned shall have the right to be heard by the full committee before a final decision is made.

The member may apply for reinstatement at the next general meeting.

  • Any member who fails to pay their fees by the date required shall forfeit their rights to representation on the management committee and at general meetings and be suspended from taking part in any event under the control of the club until such fees are paid.
  • The committee shall inform the member in writing of any decision to terminate their membership.
  • Notification of the termination of a membership shall be forwarded to the governing body.

General Meetings

The AGM shall be held each year at such a time and place as determined by the committee, at approximately twelve monthly intervals, but no more than fourteen months, after the date of the previous AGM. At each AGM the following business shall be conducted:

  • Receive and confirm the minutes of the previous AGM
  • Presentation of the club’s financial accounts for the year.
  • Presentation of the club’s projected financial situation for the forthcoming year and the setting of all fees.
  • Presentation of the Chairperson’s report.
  • Election of officers to the committee.
  • Any other business brought before the meeting which has been submitted in writing to the secretary not less than seven days prior to the AGM and any other business deemed relevant by by the chairperson.

Notice for an AGM shall be a minimum of 21 days.

A quorum for an AGM shall be 20 members.

Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM)

An EGM may be called on the written demand of:

  • 25 of the membership.
  • The chairperson
  • 2/3 majority of the management committee.

Notice for an EGM shall be a minimum of fourteen days notice and stating the business to be discussed.

Rules for General Meetings

  • All members shall register their presence.
  • Each adult member shall have one vote.
  • All votes shall be determined by a simple majority. In the event of a tied vote, the Chair may exercise a casting vote.
  • The Secretary shall keep the minutes of the meetings and record all proceedings and resolutions.


Election of Officers to the Committee.

  • The members of the committee shall be drawn from the membership.
  • Candidates shall be elected at the AGM and shall serve until the following AGM.
  • Candidates can be nominated and seconded prior to the AGM by notifying the secretary or at the AGM as long as their consent has been sought.

Members of the Committee

The committee shall consist of the following Officers:

(One person can hold 2 posts)

  • Chairperson
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer
  • Section representatives as deemed necessary by the committee
  • Membership secretary
  • Newsletter editor
  • Nevis Range liaison
  • 2 general committee members
  • 1 junior member nominated by the juniors.

The committee may co-opt any member to any unfilled post until the conclusion of the following AGM.

The committee may form any sub-committees it may deem necessary to deals with the matters of the club, until the conclusion of the following AGM. The proceedings of all such committees shall report to the management committee.

The chair will normally only serve a 3 year term. In exceptional circumstances a maximum of 2 terms or 6 years will apply.

Rules of the Management Committee

  • The Chairperson shall chair the meeting, or in his/her absence the committee shall nominate the chair.
  • The quorum shall be four of those Officers entitled to vote.
  • All members of the management committee shall be entitled to vote.
  • In the event of a tied vote, the Chair may exercise a casting vote.
  • Meetings shall be open to all members of the club.
  • The income and property of the club shall be applied solely towards the objectives of the club.
  • The club shall have the power to raise money by means of yearly subscriptions as proposed by the Committee at the Annual General Meeting.
  • All monies shall be lodged in a bank account in the name of the club.
  • The Chairperson, Treasurer and Secretary shall be authorised signatories to sign cheques on behalf of the club, of which two signatories shall be needed.
  • The financial year of the club shall run from 1st November to 31st

The constitution may only be amended by a proposal passed by a majority of members present and entitled to vote at an AGM or EGM.

Any resolution to dissolve the Club may be passed at any general meeting provided that:

  • The terms of the proposed resolution are received by the secretary at least forty-two days before the meeting at which the resolution is to be brought forward, and that
  • at least twenty-eight days of the proposed resolution shall be given in writing by the secretary to all members and that
  • such a resolution shall receive the assent of two-thirds of those present and entitled to vote.

Upon dissolution of the club, after all club and Trustee liabilities have been cleared, all remaining financial and material assets shall be given or transferred to a local body such as the local sports council, as determined by the meeting, to be employed for the development of the sport.