Winter League
- About
- Races 2024/2025
- Frequently asked questions
- Disclaimer
- Our Winter League consists of a series of 8 cross country races held on Sunday mornings at varying locations around the area.
- Adult races start at 11.00 and are free to members ( £5.00 per race for non members). Sign on for races starts at around 10.15. The courses are generally around about 10 miles long and are intended to be not overly technical. Race organisers will generally post a description of each course before the race so that everyone has a rough idea of what to expect.
- Where venues permit ,we also try to put on junior races for our younger members. These usually consist of multiple laps of a short loop. These races start at 10.00.
- Where possible we try to have shorter, less technical loops available at some of the venues.
- E-bikes are welcome!
- Although there can be a fair amount of competitiveness involved, these races are also great social events. Tea, coffee and homemade cakes are usually provided at the end and everyone has a good blether. We also have a BBQ after the final race where we present trophies to the category winners.
Date Venue Organiser Kid's Race
Sun. 8th Dec. Duror Ben Miller Possibly
Sun. 22nd Dec. Christmas Handicap Andy Rogers ( This race is not part of the Winter League)
Sun 29th Dec. Nevis Range Vince Mackintosh (Memorial Race) Yes
Sun 19th Jan. Cour Loop Dave Parfitt Possibly
Sun. 2nd Feb. Strontian, Karl Bungey Yes
Sun. 2nd March. TBC NACC Possibly
Sun 16th Mar. Achaderry Estate ??????? Possibly
Sun 6th Apr. Wolftrax Lance Marshall Yes
Sun 20th April Glen Loy Mark Clark yes
Can juniors race in the main races?
Yes -there is a junior category for the main races! Secondary school-age children can do the races unaccompanied. If any primary age children wish to do the main races then they must be accompanied by a responsible adult throughout the whole race. Juniors must decide whether they are going to race either the junior races or the main races and stick with that throughout the series - it is not possible to mix and match.
Just how technical are the races?
Our aim is to have a good variety of races with differing degrees of technicality. Sometimes there may well be some reasonably challenging features involved but it will always be possible ( and sometimes quicker!) to walk or run around these. Race organisers will always post a desription of what is involved in each course before the race.
What insurance cover do I have for the races?
Our club insurance covers racers and the club for third party liability. Individual insurance is riders own responsibility and indeed we ask all racers to sign a disclaimer to this effect before the races.
Are the courses well marked?
The courses are generally marked out with arrows and tape, and we try to have marshalls at important points where it might be possible to go wrong in the heat of the race.
Winter League Disclaimer
Please accept my entry for the West Highland Wheelers Winter league Race on DATE at LOCATION (‘the race’) I agree to abide by the rules of West Highland Wheelers and Scottish Cycling.
I agree that I take part in the race entirely at my own risk.
I absolve and discharge and undertake to free and relieve and indemnify West Highland Wheelers and its officials and advisers of all liability for any death, injury or loss I or my family or other dependents may suffer while participating or attending the race or as a consequence of my so doing.
I understand the nature and effect of this document and that it has certain legal consequences for me and my family or other dependents.