A great way for kid’s club to finish up before the Summer holidays! Many thanks to Nevis Range for giving us the opportunity to do a mass descent of the Blue Doon. Thank you to all the leaders and assistant leaders who helped with getting the groups up and down. Thanks also to the chefs who did such a great job with the BBQ at the end and to everyone who donated such delicious tray bakes. Last of all, a huge thank you to Kenny and Letterfinlay Foods for donating the super tasty burgers!
P.S almost forgot to give a big thanks to all the young riders who make the club such a fun place to be ( most of the time)
50 pupils from Lundavra primary school and Inverlochy primary school took part during March in a pilot programme from Scottish Cycling in conjunction with the Wheelers. The Rock Up and Ride programme is aimed at delivering a long term increase in cycling activity. In return for attending a series of coaching sessions the pupils ” earned” a brand new bike to take home, along with a helmet, lock and lights. A huge thanks to Claire who did such a fantastic job at organising it all. Thanks also to all the coaches who helped to deliver some fun sessions. We are really hopeful that we shall be able to take further part in the project in the future.
Great fun was had by both young and old over the weekend of the festival. It was great to combine forces with the Fort William Foxes and a special thank you must go to Elise and Rhiannon for putting in so much time and effort in to making the whole weekend such a success. A huge thanks also to EventScotland and the Community Cycling Fund for providing funding for the event.
Despite some initial reservations about perhaps needing jackhammers to cope with the extremely cold and frosty conditions some great work was achieved by all those who came out to help on Saturday. Many thanks for Lochaber Trail Association for helping to organise this. It was fantastic to see such a great mixture of youth and experience working together to help develop the trails.