AGM AGENDA 4.11.21
West Highland Wheelers AGM
Thursday 4th November 2021 at 7pm at the Pine Marten Café, Nevis Range
Will be Immediately followed by the pump track agm
Please come along – there will be tea/coffee and cakes and you may have won a trophy or prize!
1. Apologies
2. Minutes of 2020 Zoom AGM
3. Chairman’s report
4. Treasurer’s report
5. Kids Club
6. Election of office bearers and committee
Chairman –
Secretaries – minute secretary and official secretary
Treasurer –
Membership –
Junior rep –
General committee need to be able to cover:
• Ladies’ section
• Roadies
• Time trials
• Kids club
• Mountain biking including XC/DH
• Winter league
• Newsletter
Please note that many of the existing committee are prepared to stand again, but we are looking for somebody new to keep the website up to date and produce the newsletter.
7. Kids’ club also has a sub group to help run it.
8. Subscription rates to remain the same for next year
Juniors £8
Senior £17
Family £28
Trophy presentation:
• Most Improved: Lady, Downhiller, Junior male, junior female
• Time Trials: Male, Female, Junior
Update on the pump track proposal