AGM Minutes

AGM MINUTES – 14/11/24

Minutes  West Highland Wheelers AGM 14th November 2024

7pm Lochaber Rural Complex

Present Dave, Jacqui and Daniel Parfitt, Nix and Damien Forster, Gregor Muir, Stefan, Emma Pearce, Bridget Thomas, Chris Waters, Doug Little, Alastair Maclennan, Steve Bradley, Claire Abernethy, Gill Barnes, Norman Clark, Henry Cairns, Bronagh Wishart, Ruari Watt, Marian Austin, Andy Rogers

1 – Apologies  Karl Bungey

Dave thanked everyone for coming along and the Rural Education Trust for providing the venue.

2 – Minutes of 2023 AGM  Proposed as accurate by Gregor Muir, Seconded by Emma Pearce

3 – Chairman’s report

The club has had members competing in a wide range of mountain bike competitions over this year from mini dhs  to world champs, just missing Olympians.

Notable achievements

Cross country/ Cyclo cross Lily and Isla Cant and Kai and Aaron Tressider have been flying the club flag for these, ( as well as competing in other disciplines) winning the Scottish Schools Mtb mixed team champs.

Lily Cant got 5 x 1sts and a 2nd across SXC, 10 under the Ben , Tweedlove and Muckmedden

Isla Cant was 1st at Muckmedden, Tweedlove and an SXC

Kai Tresidder won all 5 of his SXC races and the series

Aaron Tresidder was young in his category this year but was still sitting 3rd in the series until his last race (which didn’t go as planned!) , he was also 1st junior in 10 under the Ben and 1st junior in the Fort to Fort and 7th overall. He was also 6th in the 1st cyclocross race of the season.

Es Tresidder has also been flying the flag in the cyclocross over 40s

Gary MacDonald had a quiet race season but still managed to win a couple of SXCs and become Scottish SXC champion in the 40 to 49 category

In Enduro Mia Jackson was 1st overall in the Hope womens enduro at Ae forset (1st in category and fastest lady overall)

Cole Jackson was 3rd overall in the national enduro series (U21) came 12th in the Open EDR in Loudenville France and was 3rd in the Southern Enduro series

Ava Marsh was 2nd at Muckmedden and 2nd at Laggan Tweedlove enduros

Charley Kennedy got a 1st and a 2nd at the Hope PMBAs, finishing 2nd overall.

Downhill.. In DH its been great to see loads of riders  (both male and female) from the club taking part across the different age groups with

In mini DH Archie Rodger was 3rd at Learnie, Mia Jackson was 1st in Learnie and Nevis Range and at the mini DH final at the World cup at  Nevis Range the club took 1st female in (U12), Lily Cant,  U14 Mia Jackson and U16 Isla Cant

At a National/ Regional level

Alexander Pervan was 1st in the SDA overall, 2nd in the Scottish Champs and 5th in the national series overall

Sorley Swabey was 1st junior and fastest time of the day in the national race at Glencoe and 2nd overall in the British series

Danny Parfitt was 3rd at British Champs

Mikayla Parton was 2nd at British champs

At the Scottish Champs club ladies took 1st (Nina Cameron) 2nd (Tiandra Anderson) and 3rd (Laura Jackson) and Marcus Scott took 1st in the 40 plus category.

Nina also took 2nd elite female at the British round at Nevis Range

At a European level Hollie Alderson, Aidan Baltrunas, Alexander Pervan and Mikayla Parton all headed out to race at the European champs.

At World Cup level the club was represented by 3 juniors (Daniel Parfitt, Sorley Swabey and Alexander Pervan) and by 2 elite females (Nina Cameron and Mikayla Parton)

Daniel Parfitt was 3rd at Nevis Range and finished 10th overall (and top British junior) in the junior male world cup standings.

Mikayla Parton finished 9th at Fort William

Both Daniel and Mikayla competed in the world championships.

Time Trials

No national level time trial competitors that we are aware of but thanks to Emma Pearce for organising the local series. 26 men and 12 ladies competed across 7 races. In the overalls 1st male was Oli Warlow, 2nd Robin Downie, 3rd Donald Paterson and 1st female Iona Hamilton, 2nd Emma Pearce and 3rd Nix Forster. No juniors competed this year.

The series included 2 gravel rounds this year.

Winter League

Last winter 7 races , thanks to Marian and Andy and everyone who ran them

1st male Liam Moynihan, 2nd Ben Miller,  (27 riders overall)

1st junior male Aaron Tresidder (and 6th overall) 2nd Alexander Pervan

1st female Lily Cant (also 1st U18) 2nd Katie Maclennan (14 in total)

1st Ebike Stewart MacMillan 2nd AJ MacDonald (5 in total)

U12 boys 1st Kaiden Springett

U10 boys 1st equal Kai Tresidder, Harris Thompson and Alastair Cant

Thanks to Marian for organising once again. This will be the last series Marian organisers so we are looking for  a new organiser to take over from her. No organiser will equal no winter league

Thanks also to Nix/ Lochaber Athletic Club for sharing their winter league dates so we could aim to avoid too many clashes this year.

There are 8 provisional races with the best 6 counting for the overall

Aim is to have kids races at at least 2 of the races.

Races will be free of charge to members, £5 non member adult and £2 non member child

There will also be the annual xmas handicap, thanks to Andy R for organising

Provisional Schedule
DEC8thDurorBen M
 22ndGlen Nevis (Xmas Handicap)Andy
 29thNevis RangeTBC
JAN19thCour loopDave
 20thGlen LoyMark C

Fort to Fort Held last Sunday in October, 25 riders making just over £130 for Cancer Research

Bike and blether rides are still going well,

Members have helped with adaptive sessions  at the pumptrack for disability Scotland and Glencoe House

Members have been helping at LTA dig days at Allt a Mhuillin and Erracht

Mandy and Claire ran a successful mini DH at Nevis Range (assisted by several other members)

Wednesday Night Rides continue. Thankyou once again to Gregor for keeping on top of the schedule and his unwavering enthusiasm and to Henry for finally taking this job off Gregors hands


Total members 432, slightly up on last year (416)

249 males, 168 female, 15 prefer not to say

4 – Treasurer’s report Thanks to Gill for keeping on top of the accounts

Gill had brought along  treasurers statements for the year to 1st November 2024 which were available to all attendees.

Approx £7000 at start of year, now just over £10000 in the bank.

Membership subs up slightly to £4235

Mini DH was a great event raising £1194

We have spent £1500 on training, 6 people have done level 2 training and 1 assessment

5 – Kids Club report

Great to see kids progressing from kids club to racing with special mention to Steve Bradleys group who started age 5/ 6 and several have now raced at world level

Kids club is running well, with 56 kids in place at the moment and a good band of 10 level 2 and parent helpers committed to helping each week.

We have 4 volunteers who have completed their level 2  training and are awaiting their level 2 assessment.

We have kids from Skye, Oban and Fort Augustus attending every week.

The waiting list currently has around 8 kids on it, unfortunately the running theme is 8-9 year old boys, we already have 2 groups of this age group and unfortunately although we have a fair amount of level 2 we do not have them all, every weekend – there are some spaces further up in the groups and ages.

The last session will be on the 7th of December, we will do the presentation of the most improved boy and girl then and serve up hot chocolates, at the moment there are no plans for club to run over winter, and we will resume after the Easter Holidays.

6 – Election of office bearers and committee

•              Chairman Dave Parfitt proposed Steve Bradley, seconded Gregor Muir

•              Secretaries – official secretary  Marian Austin proposed Dave Parfitt seconded Jacqui Parfitt

  • Minutes secretary…. No volunteer

•              Treasurer  Gill Barnes Proposed Jacqui Parfitt seconded Dave Parfitt

•              Membership  Jacqui Parfitt Proposed Gregor Muir seconded Dave Parfitt

•              Junior rep  no volunteer but Robbie Cant will ask Lily if interested

                Social / Website  Henry Cairns Proposed Jacqui Parfitt, seconded Marian Austin

General members Claire AK, Doug Little, Norman Clark, Karl Bungey, Steve Bradley all agreed to remain on committee

7 – AOCB 

As no one offered to run the winter league series it was agreed an email would be sent out

LTA Mark Clark reported they had had quite a good year with 13 digs organised, the next one planned for 24th November on the CIC path with Friends of Nevis, then there will be one in Glen Nevis in December and in February a dig as part of the mountain festival working on sunset with Trash Free trails, Tracy Mosely and Marcus Stix. The association works in 4 regions, Glen Nevis, Torlundy, Strone, Glen Loy. Trails are inspected every year and a hierarchy of need created from the most pressing issues, this directs the dig days. The 1st 2 years have focussed mainly on safety issues but now there should be more progress to trail improvement. Also looking at trails in Inchree to see if can do anything there.

Emma Pearce how folk could register interest that easier trails be built, Mark said that they have been working on Sunset to make it an easier trail but that in general they are maintaining existing trails rather than building new and it would not be appropriate to change the nature and difficulty of existing trails.

8. Trophy presentations

Quick end to the evening as no trophy winners were present! But trophies will go to the following:-

Most Improved lady Jenny Beattie

Benji Fair Memorial Trophy for most improved downhiller Alexander Pervan

Mens Time Trial Oli Warlow

Ladies Time Trial Iona Hamilton

Most improved junior male .. Archie Rodgers

Most improved junior female… Charley Kennedy

AGM Minutes

agm minutes – 09/11/23

West Highland Wheelers AGM – Thursday the 9th of November 2023 at Lochaber Rural Education Trust.

Present –.Doug Little, Gregor Muir, Karl Bungey, Cameron Bungey, Leon Sims, Vince Mackintosh, Emma Pearce, Gill Barnes, Ruari Watt, Claire Abernethy ,Norman Clark, Stefan Baltrunas, Mark Clark, Nix Forster, Damian Forster, Stephen Cant, Isla Cant, Robbie Cant, Dave Parfitt, Daniel Parfitt, Mandy Watson, Aidan Baltrunas, Jacqui Parfitt, Lorraine Whelan, Sam Potter, Henry Cairns  , Bronagh Wishart

Apologies – Andy Rogers, Steve Bradley, Marian Austin.

Doug thanked everyone for coming, and the Rural Education Trust for providing the venue.

Minutes of the last AGM – Proposed as accurate by Mandy , seconded by  Norman.          .

Chairman’s report; Busy year!

Notable club successes over the past year

  •  John Shirley became UCI XCO Masters World Champ 70+ in Argentina.
  • Lilly Cant has had a great year. Most noticeable of her achievements were the double wins at the World Champs events with cross country (dirt Crit) and downhill wins. As a result of her Race the World wins she was invited to visit the First Minister last week. Her sister Isla is pushing hard on her heels.
  • Downhill race the worlds event finals- Lilly got 1st, Mia Jackson got 2nd in Under 12’s, Isla Cant got 2nd in u14’s, Sorley Swabey got 1st and Alexander Pervan got 3rd in Under 16’s.
  • Lots of club riders have been racing downhill including Mikayla, Daniel and Nina all racing world cups.
  • Scottish Downhill champs.

Daniel Parfitt- Scottish Junior champ.

Sorley Swabey- 2nd youth.

Alastair Maclennan- 2nd over 40’s ( 1st grand vet)

Mikayla Parton- female champ.

Tiandra Anderson 3rd female

Nina Cameron- Junior champ

Hollie Alderson- 2nd youth

Sorley Swabey 3rd youth at National Champs, Alastair Maclennan 3rd over 50

Quite a few enduro racing too, several youngsters entered enduros with Charley Kennedy and Mia Jackson getting several podiums between them and both coming 2nd overall in their respective age groups at the Hope enduro. Both Cole Jackson and Archie Rodger got a podium place over the season too. Joe Barnes has had several enduro podiums including 2nd at the national enduro champs. Liam Moynihan won the Macavalanche again.

  • Gregor Muir won the DMBinS Local Hero Award. Mainly, but not only, for the huge time and effort that he has put into getting the pump track opened. Fair to say that it would not have happened without him.
  • Bikmo – Bike Club of the year, regional winner.
  • Rock Up and Ride program. This was a Scottish Cycling pilot scheme that we got involved in to help get more children out riding – 50 kids from Inverlochy and Lundavra schools had a series of lessons and each received a frog bike- including 2 trikes. Super thanks to Claire Abernethy  for sorting out all the not inconsiderable logistics! Hopefully more funding will become available next year to carry on the program.
  • The Fort William Festival was a great success and it was really good to be able to work together with The Fort William Foxes.
  • Mandy Watson has been shortlisted for volunteer of the year at the Scottish Cycling awards.
  • Bike and Blether is going from strength to strength.
  • Mark Clark has been working hard with Scottish Cycling and is now able to deliver Level 1 and 2 British Cycling courses.
  • Vince ran a very successful SXC at Nevis Range, with local riders getting some great results.
  • Aidan and Ava were chosen to go on the Scottish Cycling Young ambassadors 1 year programme. They will work towards goal setting and a leadership qualification. Aidan was then interviewed with 60+ children to be accepted for the Scottish Cycling young people’s panel. 12 (including Aidan) were accepted. Aidan will work alongside Scottish Cycling for 2 years. Many thanks to Aidan for giving us an informative speech at this point about what all of this involves.

Fort to Fort

Held last Sunday the 29th of October, starting in Fort William.  34 participants, with £240 being raised for Highland Hospice in support in memory of Lyndsay Jarrett.

1st Male – Gary MacDonald   1:51:16  (1.35.47)      2nd male Gavin Dempster 1.58.09

1st Female – Marie Meldrum 2:06:33 (2.00.07)       2nd Female Nix Forster 2:49:50

1st Junior- Aaron Tressider 2:21:50   2nd  Junior – Logan Anderson 2:29:15  (2.21.53)  

Great To see so many junior members out. Special mention to Holly for doing it on her full suspension fat tyred mountain bike and to Alastair Cant for doing it for the first time in testing conditions ( there was a fierce headwind!)

A huge thanks to Jacqui for spending all day doing the timing, driving people around and providing refreshments. Many thanks also to Lorraine, Jen, Alan, Hilary and Iris.

Winter League

All 8 planned races went ahead last year. Many thanks to Marian for organising the schedule. Thanks also to everyone that helped with organizing races and marshalling. Thanks also to Andy for working out the scoring. In all 37 males (including 6 e-bikers) and 13 females took part ( including 1 e-biker). It was great to have some new venues – Achaderry Estate, Mark’s Croft.

There were also 7 junior races held with 3 girls and 13 boys taking part.

1st Male- Ben Miller  2nd Male Gregor Muir

1st Lady – Lily Cant   2nd female Gill Barnes

1st Junior- Alexander Pervan 2nd Junior – Cameron Bungey

1st male e-biker –AJ MacDonald 2nd e-biker Stewart Macmillan

1st lady e-biker Norma Marshall

U12 boys 1st Joseph Newson, 2nd Archie Kennedy

U10 boys 1st = Jethro Murray and Kaiden Springett

U10 girls 1st Charley Kennedy 2nd Ashleigh Irvine

U8 boys 1st Kai Tressider 2nd Alastair Cant

U6 boys 1st = Bo Barnes and Gabriel Charlton

U6 girls 1st = Bella Rodger

 Marian is still working on confirming a schedule for this Winter. Here is the provisional one.

Sunday 19th November – No venue or organiser as yet. Possibly Nevis Range.

Sunday 3rd  December – Duror- Ben Miller 

Sunday 17th December – Xmas Handicap – Glen Nevis – Andy Rogers 

Saturday 30th December- Nevis Range – memorial race – Vince Mackintosh. As a few members have passed away over the past few years, rather than being” The Clare Mackintosh Memorial Race” Vince would like this to be named “The Memorial Race “with a different charity being chosen each year.

Sunday  January  14th – Barcaldine -NACC

Sunday  February  11th – Achaderry Estate, Roy Bridge – Leon Sims

Sunday March 3rd – Wolftrax – Lance Marshall.

Sunday March 24th –  ?????

Sunday 14th  April. – Glen Loy – Mark Clark -BBQ and prizegiving

Karl Bungey said that himself and Cameron are open to the possibility of running a race over at Strontian.

It was brought up that a number of these dates clash with Lochaber Athletics Club races. Jacqui pointed out that there is a lot of work involved in getting a schedule together and working it around the athletics club schedule adds more complications.

Please note that we still need Organisers for the 19th of November and the 24th of March . Please get in contact with Marian if you are able to help. Marian is also keen to step away from organising races and would like someone to help her this year and take over next year. Nix and Ruari said that they might be able to help. Karl Bungey has also said that he is keen to get more involved with the club, so maybe this is something that he might be interested in doing?

 With 8 races planned, the best 6 will count towards the overall league results. Kid’s races will be held where possible and will be run separately by kid’s club.

Races will be free of charge for members. For non-members the charge will be £2 for children and £5 for adults.

Anyone completing 3 races will receive a WHW buff.

The aim would be to have some shorter, less technical options to be available at most venues.

Xmas Handicap

Many thanks to Andy for once again organizing this. To be held in Glen Nevis on Sunday the 17th of December.


We have 416 members in total (319 last year)

 42 under 18 student memberships

 79 family memberships

 8 small family memberships

150 female members (106 adults,44 junior)

252 male members (160 adults, 92 junior)

Time Trials

Many thanks to Emma who put together a schedule of 7 races. The numbers of bikers racing were high at the start of the season but dropped off in July and August. Only one TT was affected by landslides, but it could have been 2 as the Laggan road opened the morning of the TT! Thanks to Vince for organising a new race at Invergarry. Highland Council have laid new tarmac on the Commando Memorial and Loch Eil TT road, making for a smoother and faster ride.6 different organisers were involved. Many thanks to everyone that helped with organising, marshalling and timekeeping. In all 22 males and 7 females took part. Thanks also to Andy for collating results.

1st Male Alastair MacLennan 2nd Male Henry Cairns 3rd Andy Rogers

1st Lady Sam Potter 2nd Lady Kira Macdonald 3rd Emma Pearce

1st Junior – None involved this year unfortunately.

With regard to next years’ Time Trials, Emma has said that she is happy to help to put together a schedule. It was also suggested that some gravel ride TT’s be incorporated – to be discussed further! More organisers would be welcome.

Wednesday Night Rides

 Many thanks to Gregor for putting together the schedules.

  • The club has bought 4 handlebar mounted night riding lights for members to borrow. Gregor will keep a hold of these.

Treasurers Report

Gill reported that our closing balance is down £2726.39 on the opening balance. However, taking account that we have made a donation to the Bike Park of £7344.83 this is not too surprising. The full accounts are attached.

Kid’s Club

  • A huge thanks to Claire and Gregor for all their organising in the background.
  • At present there are 64 kids going out in 10 groups.
  • There have been some great results at races but what is just as good is to see is how many of the kids are stepping up into leadership roles. Charley Kennedy, Ashleigh Irvine, Hollie Alderson, Ava Marsh, Aidan Baltrunas and Archie Kennedy have been helping out with Active schools groups. Ruby Clarke, Fergus Beard , Cameron Bungey and Finn Forsyth have been helping out on Saturdays.
  • 5 parents + Cameron are doing a British Cycling level 2 training course in a couple of weeks with Cycle wild training.
  • Mark is looking at doing a Level 1 training course in Spring with Ruby, Finlay, Kyler + 1 other.
  • A huge thanks to all parents and helpers who have helped out with the club.

Lochaber Trail Association.

  • Next dig is the 26th of November at Torlundy.
  • There have been 13 digs this year.
  • The digs are generally held on the last Sunday of each month, however, Mark will look at changing the October one next year to avoid a clash with the FTF.
  • There is a plan to do a dig on the afternoon of Saturday the 9th of December in conjunction with Kids Club.

Election of Office bearers

Doug gave a big thanks to everyone on the committee for all the work that they have done over the past year.

Chairman –      Dave Parfitt                      proposed  –  Gill Barnes       seconded- Gregor Muir

Official Secretary –   Marian Austin           proposed –    Doug Little          seconded- Norman Clark

Membership Secretary – Jacqui Parfitt     proposed –   Nix Forster        seconded- Gill Barnes

Treasurer– Gill Barnes                                  proposed  –   Jacqui Parfitt   seconded-Mark Clark

Minutes Secretaries –  Lorraine Whelan   Proposed  –      Doug Little        seconded –    Dave Parfitt 

                                     –   Sam Potter             Proposed  –       Jacqui Parfitt    seconded – Gregor Muir                                                                                           

Newsletter/social media person – Henry Cairns  Proposed  Doug Little     seconded – Lorraine Whelan

Child protection Officer – Claire Abernethy      Proposed  – Gregor Muir           seconded- Lorraine Whelan

Junior reps   – Aidan Baltrunas, Ava Marsh,

General– Mark Clark, Norman Clark, Steve Bradley .Gregor Muir

Mandy Watson is keen to get more junior events organised to enable kids to get a more gradual introduction to racing. It was proposed by Jacqui and seconded by Dave that she join the committee as Junior Events Coordinator.

Jacqui  presented Doug with a thank you card, lifetime membership of the Wheelers and some very much appreciated gifts. Andy Rogers was also given Lifetime membership in honor of his 10 years in charge and all that he still does for the club.

Subscription rates – To remain the same as last year. We shall look at increasing them next year.

  • Juniors £8
  • Senior £17
  • Family £28
  • Small family £24


  • Claire is working on getting some new shirts designed.
  • After 18 years Bridget Thomas is leaving her position as Active Schools Coordinator. The club would like to thank her for all the help that she has given us in this role. Doug will present her with a bunch of flowers as a thank you.

Trophy presentation.

Most improved Lady – Bronagh Wishart (presented)

Most improved Downhiller – Daniel Parfitt (presented)

Most improved Junior Male – Finn Watt (to be presented at the last kid’s club of the year)

Most improved junior Female- Mia Jackson (to be presented at the last kids club of the year)

Flying Gorilla Award – Jacqui Parfitt (presented)

Men’s Time Trials – Alastair Maclennan (not presented)

Ladies Time Trials – Sam Potter (presented)

AGM Minutes

whw agm – Thursday the 3rd of November 2022…

Present – Doug Little, Mandy Watson, Aidan Baltrunas, Stefan Baltrunas, Dave Parfitt, Jacqui Parfitt, Sally Weaser, Gregor Muir, Nathan Marsh, Aileen Marsh, Lia Marsh, Ava Marsh, Leon Simms, Emma Pearce, Steve Bradley, Gary MacDonald, Jo Doeg-Smith, Andy Rogers, Marian Austin,Claire Abernethy, Gill Barnes,Damian Forster, Nicola Forster, Vince Mackintosh, Ross Dunn, Ruby Clark, Norman Clark, Alastair MacLennan, Norma Marshall, Lance Marshall, Melissa Cardosi, Elise MacGregor, Lorraine Whelan, Linzi Beckett, Stephen Cant, Campbell Mackintosh.

Apologies – Mark Clark.

Doug thanked everyone for coming, The Highland Soap Factory for providing the venue and Mandy for organizing everything for us.

Minutes of the last AGM – Proposed as accurate by Marian, seconded by Jacqui.

Chairman’s report;

Notable successes. In no particular order.

  • Liam Moynihan -3rd in Mountain of Hell, 2nd in Megavalanche, 1st in Macavalanche
  • Daniel Parfitt – 2ND under 16 at the mega, 43rd overall.
  • Alastair Maclennan- 1st in BDS race at Fort William, 2nd in the national champs.
  • Nina Cameron has competed at 3 World cups.
  • Cole Jackson – first overall youth at the SES 2022.
  • SDA Series overall

Sean Petig 2nd senior men

MacLennan 3rd veteran men

Mikayla Parton 3rd elite female

Archie Ferguson 2nd youth

Daniel Parfitt 3rd youth

  • Mini Downhill at the World Cup at Fort William

U10 Daniel Fronzcek 1st, Fraser Crans Crombie 2nd

Under 16 – Sorley Swabey 1st

U10 females 1st Lily cant 2nd Charley Kennedy

  • Mikayla is one of the contenders for the DMBINS female riders of the year
  • Gary Macdonald -1st 10 under Ben 19-39 solos, 1ST IN Scottish cycling cyclocross at Muir of Ord and currently leading the overall standings .
  • Ladies group – Going from strength to strength and Scottish Cycling have recently made a video which they intend to use an example for other clubs – many thanks to Jacqui for all her efforts.
  • Wed night teenage group – There are regularly 8 youngsters going off with Gregor whatever the weather – great to see.
  • Jacqui Parfitt, Linzi Beckett and Lorraine Whelan are all now Scottish Cycling Mental health champions.
  • Although there are still more girls than boys in Kids Club, the number of girls is increasing and they now make up almost a third of all participants . There were 5 girls racing in the recent hardline at Golspie ( this is a great increase on previous years). We have had funding to specifically train up female leaders and have created 2 girls only groups to try to increase female participation and it seems to be paying off!
  • It is really great to see teenagers who have been coming to Kid’s Club sessions for many years  now regularly helping out with coaching sessions. Congratulations to Nina Cameron and Cory Muir for getting their Fundamentals of Mountain bike ( level 1) qualifications.

Fort to Fort

Held last Sunday the 30th of October, starting in Fort William. This was the 30th anniversary of the FTF, so it was really great to see John Ireland taking part as he was behind the original event which was part of the opening week of the Great Glen Way. 43 participants, with £260+  being raised for MacMillan Cancer support in memory of Fiona Gunn.

1st Male – Gary MacDonald 1.35.47      2nd male Gavin Dempster 1.40.05

1st Female – Marie Meldrum 2.00.07  2nd Female Hannah Barnes 2.37.37

1st Junior Campbell Mackintosh 1.42.00   2nd  Junior – Logan Anderson  2.21.53  

1st e-bike Lorraine Whelan 2.32.23   2nd e-bike Linzi Beckett 2.32.24

Special mention to Aaron Tressider ( years old)2.19.51 and his younger brother Kai 3.07.06

A huge thanks to Jacqui for spending all day doing the timing, driving people around and providing refreshments. Many thanks also to Lance, Rachel, Andrew and Marian for marshalling in the rain.

Winter League

All 8 planned races went ahead last year. Many thanks to everyone that helped with organizing races and marshalling. Thanks also to Andy for working out the scoring. In all 43 males (including 8 e-bikers) and 18 females took part ( including 3 e-bikers)

There were also 7 junior races held with 4 girls and 10 boys taking part

1st Male- Gary MacDonald  2nd Male Campbell Mackintosh

1st Lady – Sam Potter   2nd female Gill Barnes

1st Junior Campbell Mackintosh 2nd Junior – Daniel Parfitt

1st male e-biker –AJ MacDonald 2nd e-biker Leon Simms

1st lady e-biker Lindsay Jarret 2nd lady – Norma Marshall

U12 boys 1st Aaron Tressider, 2nd Archie Kennedy

U12 girls 1st Lily Cant 2nd Isla Cant

U8 boys 1st Kai Tressider 2nd Alastair Cant

U8 girls 1st Charlie Kennedy 2nd Niamh Cant

This year things have become a little more complicated with Forestry asking for licences to be granted for any events on Forestry Land where more than 25 participants are expected. This has slowed down the planning process a little. Marian has put together the following schedule. As ever, dates and venues may be subject to a little bit of change, although the first few can definitely go down in your diary.

Sunday 20th November – Cour Loup time trial –  Marian  and Doug

Sunday 4th December – Achaderry Estate, Roybridge – Leon Sims and Lance 

Sunday 18th December – Xmas Handicap – Glen Nevis – Andy Rogers 

Tuesday the 27th December – Nevis Range – Clare Mackintosh Memorial – Vince Mackintosh 

Sunday 15th January – Upper Glenloy – Mark Clark 

Sunday 5th February – Invergarry, whitegates-  Vince 

Sunday 26th February – Wolftrax? 

Sunday 19th of March – Argyll –  NACC? 

Sunday 23rd April. – Nevis Range Enduro 

Please note that we still need Organizers for the race at Wolftrax in February and the enduro at Nevis Range in April. Please get in contact with Marian if you are able to help.

 With 8 races planned, the best 5 will count towards the overall league results. Kid’s races will be held where possible and will be run separately by kid’s club.

Races will be free of charge for members. For non-members the charge will be £2 for children and £5 for adults.

Anyone completing 3 races will receive a WHW buff

The aim would be to have some shorter, less technical options to be available at most venues.

Xmas Handicap

Many thanks to Andy for once again organizing this. To be held in Glen Nevis on Sunday the 18th of December.


We have 319 members in total ( 369 last year, 247 in 2020)

22 under 18 student memberships

61 adult memberships

226 members in 69 family memberships

10 members in small family memberships

With the new “rolling system” of membership only one renewal reminder is currently sent out. Jacqui is going to send out extra reminders to people who perhaps missed their first one.

Time Trials

Many thanks to Emma, Dave and Alastair who put together a schedule of 7 races. Many thanks also to everyone else that helped with organizing, marshalling and timekeeping. In all 24 males and 7 females took part. Alastair worked out that there were on average 9.7 riders per race.

1st Male Campbell Macintosh 2nd Male Ed Daynes

1st Lady Mairi Meldrum 2nd Lady Geraldine Sosnowski

1st Junior Campbell Macintosh 2nd Cory Muir.

With regard to next year’s Time Trials – Emma, Nathan and Vince are going to get together to have a discussion about how to approach things. Ross Dunn also mentioned that there is a keen road biking college student who may well be able to help develop things. Ross is going to contact him.

Wednesday Night Rides

Numbers have been good for these. Many thanks to Gregor for putting together the schedules.

  • The club is going to buy 4 handlebar mounted night riding lights for members to borrow. Gregor will keep a hold of these.

Rock up and ride project from Scottish Cycling

This is going ahead, with pupils from Lundavra and Inverlochy primary schools taking part in the pilot scheme. Bridget is doing a large part of the organization for this – many thanks!


Confirmed from Event Scotland that we are getting £8500 funding to hold a festival to celebrate the World Champs being held in Fort William and  “The power of the bike”. Working together with the Fort William Foxes we are aiming to put together a 3 day festival with all activities free of charge and an aim to get people new people out biking ( as well as providing fun events for those that already bike!)

Elise MacGregor from the Fort William Foxes gave an update as to what is happening.

This is still subject to change, but the main details should be confirmed soon!

Friday 24th March – Film night at the Highland Cinema

Sat 25th March – Caol Community Centre – a day of fun filled family friendly biking (and non biking) activities.

Sun 26th March – Bike sale at The Auction Mart followed by led rides by Wheelers and Foxes Leaders and World Championship ambassadors.

Club Dig day at Nevis Range on Sat 10th December– from 10 until 2the club will be holding a trail maintenance day at Nevis Range in conjunction with Lochaber Trail Association.

Treasurers Report

Gill reported that (taking into account unsold stock) we are sitting in a similar position to the same time last year. Major expenditure over the last year was a £2873 donation to the Bike Park which enabled them to access a grant of £25000.

Kid’s Club

  • 60 kids ( 9 groups) are regularly scheduled to come out on Saturday mornings.
  • Kid’s from the club have been having some great results. As an example – A couple of weekends ago at the Highland Hardline at Golspie we had the following results

-u16 boys 1st Sorley Swabey 2nd Archie Ferguson

-U14 girls 2nd Hollie Alderton 3rd Ava Marsh

-U14 boys 1st Alan Cameron2nd Ross Loughray 3rd Jack Bamber

-U12 girls 3rd Lia Marsh

-U10 girls 2nd Charley Kennedy

-On the same weekend Archie Roger and Callan Brown both got first in their categories in the SES race at Innerleithen.

  • The last club session for this year will be on the 3rd December.
  • 5 teenagers are going to be doing their fundamentals of Mountain Biking Leadership course with Mike Pescod on the 27th and 28th of November.
  • Mandy and Stefan have been looking into organizing a residential at Innerleithen/ Glentress in April time next year.
  • A massive thanks to all the leaders and parents who have all given their time voluntarily to help get the groups out and keep the spirit of the club going

Election of Office bearers

Doug gave a big thanks to everyone on the committee for all the work that they have done over the past year.

Chairperson – Doug Little                           proposed  – Marian Austin        seconded- Gill Barnes

Official Secretary – Marian Austin             proposed – Doug Little              seconded- Norman Clark

Membership Secretary – Jacqui Parfitt     proposed – Gregor Muir          seconded- Gill Barnes

Treasurer- Gill Barnes                                  proposed  – Norman Clark       seconded- Jacqui Parfitt

Minutes Secretary – Lorraine Whelan      Proposed  –  Doug Little             seconded – Dave Parfitt                                                       

Kid’s club rep  – Doug Little                         proposed   – Claire Abernethy   seconded – Marian Austin

Newsletter/ website ???

Child protection and

 covid officer -Gregor Muir                         proposed    Norman Clark           seconded-Doug Little

Junior rep   – Aidan Baltrunas, Ava Marsh, Hollie ?

Time Trials/ road Biking – Nathan Marsh.

General- Mark Clark, Norman Clark, Steve Bradley.

  • With regard to the Child Protection position, Claire Abernethy has said that she will get more involved with helping out with this.
  • We still need people to come forward to help with getting a newsletter out, keeping the website up to date etc.

Subscription rates – To remain the same as last year

  • Juniors £8
  • Senior £17
  • Family £28
  • Small family £24


  • Gary Macdonald asked whether it would be possible to bring the start times of the FTF and Winter League races forward slightly. It was agreed that this would be a good idea for the FTF, but not necessarily feasible for the Winter League races as there are quite often junior races to be held before.
  • Sally Weaser is keen to help develop some sort of kid’s club in Oban. She wondered whether it would be possible to bring some kid’s up from Oban to do some sessions with kid’s club leaders so that they can get a taste of how the whole thing works. They have funding to pay leaders for this and it would be at a time out with of normal kid’s club sessions, so would not detract from these. It was agreed that it would be great to discuss this further at Kid’s Club.
  • Vince is planning to run an SXC race at Nevis Range on May 21st 2023. The club would be keen to help out with this. Scottish cycling have also just been in contact with Vince to see if we would be keen to run a junior Dirt Crit race – it was agreed that we would be keen to do this
  • The importance of being able to access past results for comparison purposes was bought up. Vince is going to liase with Evelyn, Doug and Shaun about finding an easy way to do this on the website.

Next Meeting – Tuesday 6th December- 7.30 at Doug’s house.

Trophy presentation.

Most improved Lady – Sam Potter

Most improved Downhiller – Sorley Swabey

Most improved Junior Male – Allan Grieve

Most improved junior Female- Lily Cant

Flying Gorilla Award – Cory Muir

AGM Minutes

Minutes of the agm 11/11/21

AGM – Thursday the 4th of November at the Pinemartin Café.

Present; Doug Little, Gregor Muir, Evelyn MacLennan, Norman Clark, Alastair MacLennan, David Underwood, Lindsay Jarrett, Linzi Beckett, Lindsay Barr, Campbell Mackintosh, Vince Mackintosh, Mandy Watson, Aidan Baltrunas, Stefan Baltrunas, Gill Barnes, Dave Parfitt, Jacqui Parfitt, Norma Marshall, Damien Forster, Nix Forster,Mark Clark, Ailsa Pooleman, Marian Austin, Ruari Watt

Apologies; Ian Pooleman, Mylene,Evan and Roddy Macdonald, Emma Pearce

Minutes of last  AGM – Proposed as accurate by Noman Clark, seconded by Dave Parfitt.

Chairmans report;

Notable successes

  • Alastair Maclennan –2ND at the SDA Scottish Champs at Nevis Range. World downhill Masters champion for the 4th time.
  • Archie Ferguson – Won the SDA  at Glencoe. 3RD in the Scottish Champs at Nevis Range.
  • Gary MacDonald – not only winning many things at club level but became the first person to ride the 96 mile long West Highland Way in under 9 hours.
  • Cole Jackson won the under 21’s EWS 80 at Innerleithen + 3rd in his age group at the Fair City Enduro last weekend ( another EWS qualifier)
  • Ladies biking groupon Sat afternoons going really well. Many thanks to Jacqui and all else helping with it.
  • New leaders qualified – 6 qualified over the past year, + 3 who have done their training.
  • Well done to all the youngsters who took part in last weekends Highland Hardline at Golspie. Jack Bamber 2nd in his age group, Archie Kennedy 5th ,Archie Ferguson, Sorley Swabey  and Alan Cameron -5th , 6th and 7th respectively.
  • Foss beat Gregor in the Fort to Fort.

Fort to Fort;

Held last Sunday the 31st of October. 34 entrants and £170 was raised which will be added to the inspiring fund raising achievements of Adrien Beard towards Pancreatic Cancer UK.

1ST Male – Gary MacDonald (1:39:26), 2nd Male Cammy Mackintosh ( 1:46;45)

1st Female – Marie Meldrum ( 1:57:17), 2nd female Ailsa Pooleman (2:16:04)

1st Junior – Cammy Mackintosh, 2nd Junior

1st E-bike – Joint winners -Lindsay Jarrett and Linzi Beckett ( 2:47:45) –Lindsay was the first person to complete the course carrying an oxygen cylinder!

A huge thank you to Jacqui for being there all day, doing the timing and providing refreshments           ( ably assisted by Rachel). Thank you also to Norma, Lance, Amy, Alan, Ewen, Jonathon and Vince for their invaluable marshalling.

Winter League;

Despite winter lockdowns we managed to hold 4 races last year. Unfortunately, we were not able to hold any junior races. Many thanks to Mark and Marian who both organised 2 each. Thanks also to anyone that helped with marshalling, and of course to Andy for working out the scoring. 29 males and 21 females took part in the series.

1st Male -Gary Macdonald       2nd Male Cammy Mackintosh

1st Lady – Nix Forster                2nd Lady – Gill Banes

1st Junior – Cammy Mackintosh 2nd junior – Aaron Tressider

1st e-biker Doug Little – Only entrant!

Marian has put together a provisional program for next year with 8 races. Junior races will be confirmed once we have confirmed dates and venues. Kid’s races will be at the same venues but will be run separately by kid’s club.

                                                                      Provisional Schedule

            DATE                                    VENUE                             ORGANISER                        KID’S RACE

Sun 21st NovemberWolftraxJamie MaxwellProbably
Sun 5th NovemberGlen Loy – Strone sideMark ClarkProbably
Tuesday 28th DecemberNevis Range – Claire Mackintosh Memorial raceVince and Cammie  MackintoshProbably
Sunday 19th DecemberGlen Nevis – Not part of the Winter LeagueAndy RogersProbably
Sunday 16th JanBarcaldineNACCNo
Sunday Feb 6thWhitebridge, InvergarryVince MackintoshPossibly
Sunday Feb 27thStrontianJo and James TaitProbably
Sunday March 20thGlen Loy – Erracht side??????????????Possibly
April 15th – 18thEaster  
Sunday April 24thNevis Range – possible Enduro???????????????Probably

Races will be free of charge for members. For non members the charge will be £2 for children and £5 for adults.

Rather than T shirts for those that complete 3 races we are looking at the possibility of providing mugs.

It was suggested that it would be a good idea to have some shorter, possibly less technical options available when possible in order to encourage members who might be slightly apprehensive about taking part. These courses might also be suitable for older children who do not necessarily wish to take part in the full races. Mandy Watson volunteered to look into these options.

Xmas Handicap

Many thanks to Andy for once again organising this. To be held on Sunday the 19th of Dec.

Bike Festival -it would be great to get this back up and running next year in the Spring. If there is a person or people who would like to put themselves forward as main organisers for this that would be great. The committee would of course be willing to help with this.


Many thanks to those that have worked on this. Most notably, Shaun, Evelyn, Amy, Robbie Mark and Doug. This is still definitely a work in progress and there are things that needed to be added. In particular, access to past files/results. We are looking for someone to help keep the website updated and help to progress it .


At present there are 369  members ( 2019 -346, 2020-247). 103 female adults and 38 female juniors, 151 male adults and 77 male juniors.

Time Trials

Great to see Time trials back on the agenda. There were 7 races held this year. A Huge thanks to Dave, Emma and Alastair for organising these. Many thanks also to everyone who helped with marshalling and timekeeping. A special thanks to Pete Berrie for stepping into the breach when needed!

Saturday Social Rides

 These were an experiment this year but seem to have been going well. There has been a steady stream of ladies and e-bikers. Will take a break from Xmas to the end of the ski season , but will definitely resume next Spring. Many thanks to all those that have come and those that have helped run them.

Wed nights

 Numbers have been up and down but generally good with a good few new faces. Many thanks to Gregor for putting together the schedules.

Treasurers Report

Gill reported that things are looking healthy and that the bank account is £1000 up on last year. After a considerable amount of effort by Gill we now have access to internet banking – many thanks!

Kid’s Club

Started again in Spring and has been going well. The last group of sessions for this year start up again on Saturday and will run until the 11th of Dec before taking a break until next Spring. If everyone turns up this Sat then there will be 86 kids in 12 groups + we have 9 teenagers helping with the coaching of the younger groups. These teenagers have pretty much been coming to the club right through from a younger age , so it is great to see them going to the next level and giving back. The aim, with the help of Mike Pescod, is to help them get their level 1 leadership qualification ( their first step on the coaching ladder.)

  • 6 new leaders qualified this year. Including 4 ladies + 3 who have done their training.
  • Girl’s group started up this year which has been going well.
  • Waiting list –We have been trying to continually get on top of it, but it is still there. The main problem, perhaps surprisingly, is not necessarily the lack of qualified leaders but all the organisation involved in getting so many kids out at the same time. With this in mind, a special thanks must go to Claire for doing such a great job in keeping on top of admin and Gregor for sorting out the groups (the record was 10 versions of a rota one week). Thanks of course to everyone else on the committee.
  • Blue Doon – A massive thanks to Nevis Range for letting 54 kids and 20 leaders get a pre-opening free run.
  • Lastly, a massive thanks to all of the leaders and parent who have all given their time voluntarily to help get the groups out and keep the spirit of the club going.

Election of Office bearers and the committee

Stepping down – Evelyn, Nix, Shaun, Ruby ,Fraser.

Doug thanked everyone for all the great work that is carried out by everyone on the committee .

Position                                                                                    Proposed                           Seconded

ChairpersonDoug LittleNormanGregor
Official SecretaryMarian AustinGillDoug
TreasurerGill BarnesAilsaMarian
Minutes SecretaryIan PoolemanAilsaDoug
Junior rep??????????  
Time TrialsSee below  
Kid’s Club sub groupDoug LittleGregorMandy
Newsletter/ websiteNorma Marshall See belowDougMarian
Child protection and Covid 19 officerGregor MuirDaveEvelyn
GeneralDave Parfitt  
 Steve Bradley  
 Mark Clark  
 Norman Clark  
  1. Dave, Alastair and Emma are happy to organise a Time Trial series next year. It was suggested that if possible one of them would attend committee meetings when Time Trials are likely to be discussed.
  2. Jodie Standen was proposed by Nix ( seconded by Gregor), as a good person to get involved with developing the website and blog. Doug will approach her personally about this.

Subscription Rates

 to remain the same for next year;

  • Juniors £8
  • Senior £17
  • Family £28


  • Scottish Cycling Affiliation. This is up for renewal and the information that Scottish Cycling require seems to be getting ever more complex. One thing we definitely need to ensure in the future is that we have up to date information on coaches with regards to  qualifications and renewal dates. Further discussion about how to achieve this is needed.

Next Meeting – Tuesday 7th Dec

Trophy presentation

Most Improved Lady – Lorraine Whelan ( trophy presented)

Most improved Downhiller – Alan Cameron ( trophy not presented)

Most improved junior male –  Alexander Pervan ( trophy not presented)

Most improved junior female –  Charlotte Strachan ( trophy not presented)

Flying Gorilla Award for getting up and carrying on after crashes. Lance Marshall. ( trophy presented)

Inspirational award – Lyndsay Jarrett ( no trophy for this as yet)

Time Trials;

Men’s – Gary Macdonald ( trophy not presented)

Female – Mairi Meldrum ( trophy not presented)

Junior – Cammie Mackintosh ( trophy presented)

Winter league;

Male – Gary MacDonald ( trophy not presented)

Female – Nix Forster ( trophy presented)

Junior – Cammie Mackintosh( trophy not presented)

Doug thanked everyone for coming and Nevis Range for providing the venue.

AGM Minutes

AGM AGENDA 4.11.21

West Highland Wheelers AGM
Thursday 4th November 2021 at 7pm at the Pine Marten Café, Nevis Range
Will be Immediately followed by the pump track agm

Please come along – there will be tea/coffee and cakes and you may have won a trophy or prize!

1. Apologies

2. Minutes of 2020 Zoom AGM

3. Chairman’s report

4. Treasurer’s report

5. Kids Club

6. Election of office bearers and committee
Chairman –
Secretaries – minute secretary and official secretary
Treasurer –
Membership –
Junior rep –
General committee need to be able to cover:
• Ladies’ section
• Roadies
• Time trials
• Kids club
• Mountain biking including XC/DH
• Winter league
• Newsletter

Please note that many of the existing committee are prepared to stand again, but we are looking for somebody new to keep the website up to date and produce the newsletter.

7. Kids’ club also has a sub group to help run it.

8. Subscription rates to remain the same for next year
Juniors £8
Senior £17
Family £28


Trophy presentation:
• Most Improved: Lady, Downhiller, Junior male, junior female
• Time Trials: Male, Female, Junior

Update on the pump track proposal