committee meeting minutes 27th september 2022
Present – Norman Clark, Norma Gregory, Doug Little, Mark Clark, Dave and Jacqui Parfitt, Gregor Muir, Gill Barnes, Marian Austin.
Apologies – Steve Bradley, Ian and Ailsa Pooleman.
Fiona Gunn
- Jacqui is going to put together a little piece in memory of Fiona and all that she has done for the club and cycling in general. This will go in a newsletter to go out this week and on facebook. She is going to check with Davie Gunn first that this is ok.
- All entries from this year’s Fort to Fort will go to MacMillan Cancer support in memory of Fiona.
Fort to Fort
- Planned for Sunday the 30th of October.
- Doug has belatedly put in an application for it to check that all parties involved are happy with it. No problems are foreseen though for what is essentially a social event (with some competitiveness thrown in!)
- Bridget and Doug have been in contact with Stewart Eastaugh (environment – development and active travel officer) to see whether we can either get the footbridge at Bridge of Oich open or remove the barrier on the footpath across the road bridge. Stewart is keen to help but no progress has been made yet. It was felt by the committee that we need to pursue this further.
- To avoid having to cross and then re cross the road at Bridge of Oich it was decided to run the race in reverse this year, so starting at Fort William.
- Sign on will be in the Moorings car park from 10.30 until 10.45 with the first riders leaving at 11.00.
- The course will finish at the top Lock at Fort Augustus.
- Riders will be asked for a minimum £5 donation to take part in the event. This will be donated to MacMillan Cancer support.
- As per last year, rather than being run as a race this will be a “club ride”. We shall still provide timing so that riders can compare their times against each other, and against previous years. Riders will be covered for third party liability by Scottish Cycling. It would be good to remind riders that for this event, and other events that the club runs, that they should consider joining Scottish Cycling if they require more comprehensive insurance.
- Doug will sweep at the back on his e-bike. It was decided that we did not have to have a sweeper van as most people will be able to call on their own back up.
- We need to advertise for someone to do timing and for marshals.
- As there are plenty of places to eat at Fort Augustus, we shall not supply refreshments at the end although anyone providing tray bakes would not be turned away!
- Thursday the 3rd of November at 7.30 at the Highland Soap factory.
- This will be advertised in the newsletter to go out at the end of this week. The agenda will follow slightly later (needs to be out 3 weeks beforehand).
- The bike track AGM will follow immediately after.
- The club will pay for a drink of choice and cake for all attending.
- Awards
– Most Improved Downhiller – Sorley Swabey
– Most improved Lady – Sam Potter
– Most improved Junior male – to be decided
– Most improved junior female – to be decided
It was agreed that the kid’s trophies would be presented at the final kid’s club session of the year.
- Presentations
– Doug will do a chairman’s report (including a kid’s club report)
– Gill will do a treasurer’s report
- Committee positions
– Doug is definitely standing down as Chairman at the end of next year. Dave has said that he would be willing to take over.
– Doug will check with the current committee who is willing to stay on for next year.
– We definitely need to find someone to be minutes secretary and be proactive in getting
information out to members through newsletters, social media etc.
– We also need to find a junior rep.
- Subscriptions for 2023 – It was agreed that, as the bank account is healthy enough, we would keep the subscriptions the same.
– Juniors £8.00
– Senior £17.00
– Family £28.00
– Small Family (it was agreed to keep this) £24
Winter League
- Marian has put together a provisional schedule of dates for this year’s Winter League. Exact venues and dates are still to be decided.
Sunday 20th November – possible enduro.
Sunday 4th December
Sunday 18th December – Xmas Handicap (thanks Andy!)
Tuesday 27th December – Hopefully the Claire Mackintosh memorial.
Sunday 15th January
Sunday 5th February
Sunday 26th February
Sunday 19th March
Sunday 23rd April – possible enduro.
- The best 5 out of 8 races will count towards final table standings.
- Anyone completing 3 races will receive a Wheelers buff.
- Kid’s club races may not be possible at all the venues and will be organized separately by the kid’s club.
- We need to check with Spook and Nevis Range about whether we would be able to use the enduro timing equipment at Wolftrax (and at Nevis Range!)
Bike Lights
- It was agreed that we would buy 4 handlebar mounted lights @ up to £80 each. Gregor will keep a hold of these to lend out. We will buy 2 from each bike shop.
Bike Festival
- We are still awaiting confirmation as to whether we shall get funding for this (should come in the next week.)
- The provisional plans are;
Friday the 24th of March – Film Night at the cinema in town.
Saturday the 25th of March – a day of fun filled family friendly biking (and non biking) activities at Caol Community Centre.
Sunday the 26th March – Bike sale at The Auction Mart followed by led rides around Nevis Range with Wheelers and foxes leaders and World Championship biking ambassadors.
- The Fort William Foxes are really keen to be involved with organizing all of this and Elise Macgregor has agreed to take on the chief organizing role.
Kid’s Club
- Will run up until the beginning of December before stopping for the winter.
- Stefan and Mandy have been investigating the possibility of having a residential at Glentress and Innerleithen in the spring.
- Daniel Parfitt, Kai Frost, Cole Jackson, Finn Forsyth and Joseph Tait are hopefully going do their Level 1 Leadership course with Mike Pescod and Mark Clark in November.
- We would be hopeful of doing another level 1 course in springtime for adults and Kid’s ( ideally, seperately and not mixed together)
- Mark Clark is going to check whether people can do the level 1 on an e bike.
- Doug will check with Simon Wells at Highland First Aid about the possibility of putting on a first aid course for those doing their Level 1 and any other leaders whose first aid qualification has lapsed or is about to lapse. In the future it would be good to alternate providers of first aid courses for the club.
Scottish Cycling Mental Health Ambassadors Project.
- Jacqui Parfitt, Linzi Beckett and Lorraine Whelan have done their first tutorials on the road to becoming club mental Health champions.
Scottish Cycling Rock up and Ride project.
- We are planning on taking part in this pilot program. In the initial phase 50 bikes and equipment would be provided for primary school kids who do not have a bike.
- In return for signing up, the club would receive £2500 to help develop new leaders and a shipping container to store bikes (this is ours to keep)
- Bridget is doing the bulk of the organising for this project – many thanks!
Lochaber Trail Association
- Mark Clark is the new chairman and there are 6 new committee members.
- Mark is keen to organize a Wheelers Led Trail building day.
- Mark informed us that there are plans to clear access for the Strone trails by the end of October.
Bank Balance – £9500
Next Meeting – The AGM