committee meeting minutes 7th March 2023
Minutes of Meeting
7th March 2023
Present: Doug Little, Gill Barnes, Nathan Marsh, Gregor Muir, Dave Parfit, Norman Clark, Lorraine Wheelan, Marian Austin, Steve Bradley. Fort William Foxes (FWF) members also attending were Rhiannan MacIntosh (RM), Stephanie McKenna (SM) and Elise MacGregor (EM).
Apologies: Jacqui Parfit, Mark Clark
Approval of Agenda and Minutes: all agreed
Doug welcomed everyone to the meeting and thanked Fort William Foxes representatives for coming along.
Bike Festival:
- General discussion around what is happening at the festival and what assistance FWF’s need from WHW. There are brochures available and all info can be found on the Foxes and Wheelers Facebook page or the festival page here: https://www.facebook.com/events/903444154302521/?ref=newsfeed
- RM, EM and SM: the festival will run over three days, Friday, Saturday and Sunday (24th to 26th March).
- Friday will be held at the Highland Cinema and is a Bike Film Contest “Why I love Cycling”, video entries need to be 3 minute long videos about cycling. EM asked if WHW could try and promote this competition to get more video entries, otherwise no further help is needed.
- Saturday will be at Caol Community Centre, lots happening inside and outside; bucking bronco, bouncy castle, kit sale, stalls and raffle – see brochure or Facebook page for further info. Funds raised by the raffle will go towards the Bike Park. EM: asked if WHW could arrange the setting up and manning the Agility Course, volunteers needed for this and FWF’s have asked if WHW could also source volunteers to assist with parking duties.
- Sunday is a combination of Social Rides at NR (Bike and Blether), Glen Loy (Foxes) and also a Dig Day (Glen Loy (Erracht side)). WHW and FWF’s leaders will run the social rides.
- EM: there is a requirement for a wooden roll in feature to be built for the Giant Air Bag and she has asked for help to get someone to build this (included in budget) – NC has offered to do this and will liaise with EM for build requirements.
- EM: stated that there will be T shirts given to all of the helpers (various sizes available).
- EM: Nevis Radio will be at the Festival all day on the Saturday.
- Suggested Volunteers/ride leaders: Jacqui Parfit, Jill Barnes, Lorraine Wheelan, Linzi Beckett, Doug Little, Gregor Muir, Norman Clark, Stefan Baltrunas, Nathan Marsh (tbc) and Dave Parfit (tbc), Ruby Clark and Ava Marsh.
Winter League Discussion:
- Sunday the 19th of March at Wolftrax ( including a kid’s race) – Stewart and Lance are running this race. Permissions have been granted and the café are aware that we are coming. DL might also help. MA advised that Christian needs confirmation for the race plans/route from Lance and that Lance also needs to complete a Risk Assessment. DL and Lance are going to Wolftrax on 13th March to check out the route.
- Sunday the 2nd of April at Nevis Range – Steve is running this race. Due to possible complications with the timing equipment, and the fact that it is the opening weekend of uplift, Steve is going to run this race as a cross country race. This race will be followed by the prizegiving and BBQ. DL stated that volunteers are needed for cooking, DL will buy the food. SB stated that he is still considering the route. MA will gather the trophies in. DL will do the kids race.
- Every rider who has completed 3 races will get a WHW buff.
Time Trials:
- Proposed dates on Tuesdays (organisers in brackets)
18th April – Commando Memorial (Emma)
9th May –Loch Eil 10 (Andy and Nathan)
30th May – Invergarry (Vince)
20th June- Laggan Dam (Nathan)
11th July- Loch Leven (?????)
1st August- Loch Eil 10 (Doug)
22nd August Commando Memorial (Spook?)
- Best 4 races out of 7 to count.
- Emma to register races with Scottish Cycling.
- GM stated that the Triathlon Club are keen to help with the Time Trials, GM will contact Sam Potter to discuss further.
Wednesday Night Rides:
- DL discussed having an introductory night after the festival.
- Discussed options of separating the Weds rides and adult and youth specific rides, GM happy to continue Youth Rides regardless of outcome. NM suggested advertising for an evening ride specifically at Nevis Range, a consistent Youth ride to encourage more to come along. This needs to be explored further.
- GM looking for suggestions for places to have future Weds night rides.
Lochaber Trail Association:
- AGM on Tuesday 14th March at the Highland Soap Company. Mark is keen to get more committee members for LTA.
Scottish Cycling Rock Up and Ride Project:
- The Isla bikes are arrived at the beginning of March and the first lessons were held at Inverlochy and Lundavra primary schools during the first week in March.
Pump Track:
- GM updated everyone on the progress of the Pump Track; currently they are £5000 short which means that the fence build cannot be completed until the funds are in place, Gillies Fencing have the contract and will start building the fence the last week in March. Velosolutions and Concreate aim to have the whole project built by the end of July in time for the World Champs on the 4th and 5th of August.
Any other Business:
- Simon at Highland First Aid has very kindly offered to do a free 2 hour refresher for all leaders before Kid’s Club resumes. Venue and times TBC – not discussed.
- Brief discussion over a community Event around the time of the World cup.
- Website/social media – not discussed.
- JP stated that we need more ride leaders for the mixed Bike and Blether at the Festival on the Sunday.
- NC suggested Pump Track donations tins be at the festival to help raise funds for the shortfall of £5k.
- WHW Uplift Pass – adult early bird price is £181.95 (full price £194.95, non members £396.95). The U17s early bird is £97.95 (full price £104.45, non members £216.95) as per the WHW email sent out to members. Cut off date for the early bird tbc.
Bank Account:
£17165 (this includes a lot of money for the festival which will be going out of the Account soon).
Next Meeting:
Tuesday 16th May at MA’s house.
- WHW members to spread the word re “Why I love Cycling” video entries for the first event of the Festival on 24th March
- Volunteers needed for Sat 25th – Agility Course 2 x volunteers needed for parking duties, an extra person for the Smoothie Bike and also a volunteer to float for general enquiries inside and outside
- More Ride Leaders needed for the Bike and Blether ride on Sunday 25th (festival)
- Gear sales at festival – have two WHW tables to sell peoples second hand bike gear and ask for volunteers to run this
- GM to take Pump Track donations tins to the festival
- Lance Marshall and DL to confirm route plan for Wolftrax on 19th March with Christian
- Lance Marshall to complete Risk Assessment for Wolftrax on 19th March
- SB to discuss with the cafe re food available for Wolftrax race on 19th March
- MA to gather in the Trophies for the Winter League from last years League
- DL to arrange kids race on 2nd April and buy food for BBQ
- DL to discuss TT at Invergarry with Emma
- NM to discuss TTs with Sam Potter (Triathlon Club) and GM will discuss with Bronagh
- Discuss Youth Rides separating from Adult Social Weds Rides