committee minutes 05/12/23
Minutes WHW committee meeting: Tues 5th December 20223
- Present: Claire Abernethy (CA), Karl Bungey (KB), Norman Clark (NC), Mandy Watson (MW), Mark Clark (MC), Marian Austin (MA), Sam Potter (SP), Jacqui (JP) and Dave Parfitt (DP)
Apologies: Gregor Muir, Gill Barnes, Doug Little, Steve Bradley, Aiden and Ava
- Confirmation of committee roles: as noted in AGM minutes with the addition of MW(junior events co-ordinator) and KB (general committee member)
- Minutes of last meeting: actions as noted below
- Winter League:
- Duror run under ‘Access Legislation’26 registered racers (WHW and NACC), an excellent race – many thanks to Ben Miller and his team for organising
- FLS wish to have “honest discussion” re numbers at WHW races MA
- KB now has permission from FLS for Strontian round
- Nevis and Wolftrax permissions, etc. still tbc MA
- ‘Gravel Group’ (North Of Scotland, SC) SP to attend ZOOM meeting first Monday of every month
- Dates for L1 & 2 training / assessment:
- MC to confirm dates for a Level 2 Training course (prov. 27th – 28th Jan) and Level 1 course (prov. 24th – 25th)
- MC to liaise with CA regarding confirmation of dates and course participants
- MC has kindly offered discounts to club members for different courses and also a free training day for kids (19th Feb) – details to be emailed to club, JP will send out with newsletter
- Free online CPS course, MA to give those interested the code
- First Aid course for 6, CA, to look at options
- DP to look at funding options still available to us (£300 still use from LSA)
- Mini DH and junior ambassador roles:
- Aidan and Ava will put together a Google Doc Survey as part of their role as Junior Ambassadors for Scottish Cycling, CA to email around Kids Club
- MW to organise a Scottish Cycling Mini DH at Nevis Range (MW will contact), this will be run on a course which is all rollable and therefore accessible to most riders from u10 – u16 level – prov. SAT 23rd March
- Pre L1 coach programme for 14-16, MW more info to follow…
- Mountain Festival:
- WHW to have leaflets / poster / etc. on Nevis Cycles stand , if Off-Beat has a stand we will ask them as well CA
- New Jerseys:
- Agreed to pay Fortan £40 for new design, jerseys will be £32 Adults and £29 Youth CA
- Community Sports Hub (CSH):
- Overview of meeting attended by DP
- Will look through links to funding options provided by CSH DP
- Bank Balance:
- £6124.46 as of 04/12/23
- Funding for Adult Coaching Sessions DP
- WHW LTA session, Torlundy SAT 9th DEC MC
- LTA rideout SUN 10th DEC MC
- LTA & FLS talking about re-opening ‘The Cackle’ MC
- Date for next meeting:
- Thurs 22nd Feb @ 1930 (Dave and Jacqui’s)