committee meeting minutes 10/10/2024

West Highland Wheelers Committee Meeting Thursday 10th October 2024

  1. Present

Gregor Muir, Henry Cairns, Claire Abernethy, Norman Clark, Marian Austin, Dave Parfitt, Jacqui Parfitt,

  1. Apologies – Steve Bradley, Gill Barnes, Sam Potter, Karl Bungey, Doug Little,
  2. Minutes of Last meeting

Time trials

Need to ask for trophies back and engrave with new winners (Oli Warlow and Iona Hamilton) for AGM

Wed nights

Agreed we have run out of light evenings for leons croft, defer to spring.

Winter league

Marian looking for someone to pass it over to.. please.

Kids Club

All running fine

Nevis Range “owe” for 2 uplift days from grant funding, agreed ask whether funding could be used for coaching days with leaders and helpers instead

Action CA to contact Nikki Howie


  1. DL and GB not present.. to check whether new gazebo leg paid for and ordered, to check at next meeting
  2. HC Nevis Tri Club doing bikers versus runners race again 9th November. Would like to run under wheelers insurance as per previous event … Marion confirms insurance cover OK



Start at 10am rather than 11am .  27th October. Registration 9.15 at main carpark

Fort Augustus to Fort William

Doug happy to put signage out and sweep at back

Jacqui happy to do timing unless other volunteers come forward

Marshall request to go on facebook and email

Teas and coffees and homebaking at end

Action HC email and facebook



Marian is looking to pass this job on to someone new, agreed ask at the AGM, if no one comes forward then appeal again next summer with a note that league can not run without coordinator

Marian has got dates from LAC so provisional dates of league to try to avoid clashes although LAC have 3 dates  in both  November and January leaving only 1 weekend free so may need to be a clash. The only free November date clashes with bikers vs runners race therefore agreed winter league will start in December

Nacc happy to do any date in march and going to plan their league around that date

Marian has  to fill in and submit forestry forms for duror and strontian ASAP, agreed Marian will let organisers know last years maps will be used unless different route submitted before her submission date

Provisional league schedule  run through, a couple of dates to firm up with organisers but should be ready shortly.


  1. AGM

£30 per hour cost of rural complex hire agrees and JP will confirm

7pm to 9pm

Bike park AGM will follow wheelers AGM

Teas coffees homebakes  DP to organize

Need to request trophies back   can be dropped in at nevis cycles and DP will get engraved with this years winners ready for AGM

(Last years winners Mia Jackson and Finn Watt kids club, Daniel P downhill, Sam P time trial, Bronagh W most improved lady, Alastair M time trials, Jacqui flying gorilla)

This years Most improved kids club to be confirmed by Clare and Gregor

Most Improved downhiller and lady discussed and agreed, to be revealed at the AGM

  1. AOCB

MA affiliation needs to be in by late November .. CA has kids club data and JP membership data

GM will give some info about pumptrack use. We are asked about members with disability but do not ask this on our membership form, to look into for future, kids club forms have this info, CA to include (numbers only no identifiers)


                MA Neil at SC trying to get calendar of events for North area, would hope to run a couple of mini dhs in collaboration with Wolfpax

CA reported re email from MW ..? has been attending SC calendar meetings and trying to organize pumptrack and mini dh/ short course races

Action Marian to contact MW to clarify


GM Bike Park

Hoping to schedule  dates for all activities… adult biking, ladies biking, adaptive biking, intro to skateboarding etc in the near future

Ran sessions at parasport festival which went well


CA  Nevis Cycles exploring the possibility of running a 2nd hand  bike/ outdoor sale at mart and would like to know if wheelers would collaborate, also asking Off Beat Bikes if they would like to be involved.  Working plan is £10 a table, agreed we would like to be involved, will advertise to members and ? club have a table for folk to drop off  if only one or two items to sell ?


  1. Date of Next Meeting

AGM  November 14th 2024


Action HC email out agenda and notification