agm minutes – 09/11/23
West Highland Wheelers AGM – Thursday the 9th of November 2023 at Lochaber Rural Education Trust.
Present –.Doug Little, Gregor Muir, Karl Bungey, Cameron Bungey, Leon Sims, Vince Mackintosh, Emma Pearce, Gill Barnes, Ruari Watt, Claire Abernethy ,Norman Clark, Stefan Baltrunas, Mark Clark, Nix Forster, Damian Forster, Stephen Cant, Isla Cant, Robbie Cant, Dave Parfitt, Daniel Parfitt, Mandy Watson, Aidan Baltrunas, Jacqui Parfitt, Lorraine Whelan, Sam Potter, Henry Cairns , Bronagh Wishart
Apologies – Andy Rogers, Steve Bradley, Marian Austin.
Doug thanked everyone for coming, and the Rural Education Trust for providing the venue.
Minutes of the last AGM – Proposed as accurate by Mandy , seconded by Norman. .
Chairman’s report; Busy year!
Notable club successes over the past year
- John Shirley became UCI XCO Masters World Champ 70+ in Argentina.
- Lilly Cant has had a great year. Most noticeable of her achievements were the double wins at the World Champs events with cross country (dirt Crit) and downhill wins. As a result of her Race the World wins she was invited to visit the First Minister last week. Her sister Isla is pushing hard on her heels.
- Downhill race the worlds event finals- Lilly got 1st, Mia Jackson got 2nd in Under 12’s, Isla Cant got 2nd in u14’s, Sorley Swabey got 1st and Alexander Pervan got 3rd in Under 16’s.
- Lots of club riders have been racing downhill including Mikayla, Daniel and Nina all racing world cups.
- Scottish Downhill champs.
Daniel Parfitt- Scottish Junior champ.
Sorley Swabey- 2nd youth.
Alastair Maclennan- 2nd over 40’s ( 1st grand vet)
Mikayla Parton- female champ.
Tiandra Anderson 3rd female
Nina Cameron- Junior champ
Hollie Alderson- 2nd youth
Sorley Swabey 3rd youth at National Champs, Alastair Maclennan 3rd over 50
Quite a few enduro racing too, several youngsters entered enduros with Charley Kennedy and Mia Jackson getting several podiums between them and both coming 2nd overall in their respective age groups at the Hope enduro. Both Cole Jackson and Archie Rodger got a podium place over the season too. Joe Barnes has had several enduro podiums including 2nd at the national enduro champs. Liam Moynihan won the Macavalanche again.
- Gregor Muir won the DMBinS Local Hero Award. Mainly, but not only, for the huge time and effort that he has put into getting the pump track opened. Fair to say that it would not have happened without him.
- Bikmo – Bike Club of the year, regional winner.
- Rock Up and Ride program. This was a Scottish Cycling pilot scheme that we got involved in to help get more children out riding – 50 kids from Inverlochy and Lundavra schools had a series of lessons and each received a frog bike- including 2 trikes. Super thanks to Claire Abernethy for sorting out all the not inconsiderable logistics! Hopefully more funding will become available next year to carry on the program.
- The Fort William Festival was a great success and it was really good to be able to work together with The Fort William Foxes.
- Mandy Watson has been shortlisted for volunteer of the year at the Scottish Cycling awards.
- Bike and Blether is going from strength to strength.
- Mark Clark has been working hard with Scottish Cycling and is now able to deliver Level 1 and 2 British Cycling courses.
- Vince ran a very successful SXC at Nevis Range, with local riders getting some great results.
- Aidan and Ava were chosen to go on the Scottish Cycling Young ambassadors 1 year programme. They will work towards goal setting and a leadership qualification. Aidan was then interviewed with 60+ children to be accepted for the Scottish Cycling young people’s panel. 12 (including Aidan) were accepted. Aidan will work alongside Scottish Cycling for 2 years. Many thanks to Aidan for giving us an informative speech at this point about what all of this involves.
Fort to Fort
Held last Sunday the 29th of October, starting in Fort William. 34 participants, with £240 being raised for Highland Hospice in support in memory of Lyndsay Jarrett.
1st Male – Gary MacDonald 1:51:16 (1.35.47) 2nd male Gavin Dempster 1.58.09
1st Female – Marie Meldrum 2:06:33 (2.00.07) 2nd Female Nix Forster 2:49:50
1st Junior- Aaron Tressider 2:21:50 2nd Junior – Logan Anderson 2:29:15 (2.21.53)
Great To see so many junior members out. Special mention to Holly for doing it on her full suspension fat tyred mountain bike and to Alastair Cant for doing it for the first time in testing conditions ( there was a fierce headwind!)
A huge thanks to Jacqui for spending all day doing the timing, driving people around and providing refreshments. Many thanks also to Lorraine, Jen, Alan, Hilary and Iris.
Winter League
All 8 planned races went ahead last year. Many thanks to Marian for organising the schedule. Thanks also to everyone that helped with organizing races and marshalling. Thanks also to Andy for working out the scoring. In all 37 males (including 6 e-bikers) and 13 females took part ( including 1 e-biker). It was great to have some new venues – Achaderry Estate, Mark’s Croft.
There were also 7 junior races held with 3 girls and 13 boys taking part.
1st Male- Ben Miller 2nd Male Gregor Muir
1st Lady – Lily Cant 2nd female Gill Barnes
1st Junior- Alexander Pervan 2nd Junior – Cameron Bungey
1st male e-biker –AJ MacDonald 2nd e-biker Stewart Macmillan
1st lady e-biker Norma Marshall
U12 boys 1st Joseph Newson, 2nd Archie Kennedy
U10 boys 1st = Jethro Murray and Kaiden Springett
U10 girls 1st Charley Kennedy 2nd Ashleigh Irvine
U8 boys 1st Kai Tressider 2nd Alastair Cant
U6 boys 1st = Bo Barnes and Gabriel Charlton
U6 girls 1st = Bella Rodger
Marian is still working on confirming a schedule for this Winter. Here is the provisional one.
Sunday 19th November – No venue or organiser as yet. Possibly Nevis Range.
Sunday 3rd December – Duror- Ben Miller
Sunday 17th December – Xmas Handicap – Glen Nevis – Andy Rogers
Saturday 30th December- Nevis Range – memorial race – Vince Mackintosh. As a few members have passed away over the past few years, rather than being” The Clare Mackintosh Memorial Race” Vince would like this to be named “The Memorial Race “with a different charity being chosen each year.
Sunday January 14th – Barcaldine -NACC
Sunday February 11th – Achaderry Estate, Roy Bridge – Leon Sims
Sunday March 3rd – Wolftrax – Lance Marshall.
Sunday March 24th – ?????
Sunday 14th April. – Glen Loy – Mark Clark -BBQ and prizegiving
Karl Bungey said that himself and Cameron are open to the possibility of running a race over at Strontian.
It was brought up that a number of these dates clash with Lochaber Athletics Club races. Jacqui pointed out that there is a lot of work involved in getting a schedule together and working it around the athletics club schedule adds more complications.
Please note that we still need Organisers for the 19th of November and the 24th of March . Please get in contact with Marian if you are able to help. Marian is also keen to step away from organising races and would like someone to help her this year and take over next year. Nix and Ruari said that they might be able to help. Karl Bungey has also said that he is keen to get more involved with the club, so maybe this is something that he might be interested in doing?
With 8 races planned, the best 6 will count towards the overall league results. Kid’s races will be held where possible and will be run separately by kid’s club.
Races will be free of charge for members. For non-members the charge will be £2 for children and £5 for adults.
Anyone completing 3 races will receive a WHW buff.
The aim would be to have some shorter, less technical options to be available at most venues.
Xmas Handicap
Many thanks to Andy for once again organizing this. To be held in Glen Nevis on Sunday the 17th of December.
We have 416 members in total (319 last year)
42 under 18 student memberships
79 family memberships
8 small family memberships
150 female members (106 adults,44 junior)
252 male members (160 adults, 92 junior)
Time Trials
Many thanks to Emma who put together a schedule of 7 races. The numbers of bikers racing were high at the start of the season but dropped off in July and August. Only one TT was affected by landslides, but it could have been 2 as the Laggan road opened the morning of the TT! Thanks to Vince for organising a new race at Invergarry. Highland Council have laid new tarmac on the Commando Memorial and Loch Eil TT road, making for a smoother and faster ride.6 different organisers were involved. Many thanks to everyone that helped with organising, marshalling and timekeeping. In all 22 males and 7 females took part. Thanks also to Andy for collating results.
1st Male Alastair MacLennan 2nd Male Henry Cairns 3rd Andy Rogers
1st Lady Sam Potter 2nd Lady Kira Macdonald 3rd Emma Pearce
1st Junior – None involved this year unfortunately.
With regard to next years’ Time Trials, Emma has said that she is happy to help to put together a schedule. It was also suggested that some gravel ride TT’s be incorporated – to be discussed further! More organisers would be welcome.
Wednesday Night Rides
Many thanks to Gregor for putting together the schedules.
- The club has bought 4 handlebar mounted night riding lights for members to borrow. Gregor will keep a hold of these.
Treasurers Report
Gill reported that our closing balance is down £2726.39 on the opening balance. However, taking account that we have made a donation to the Bike Park of £7344.83 this is not too surprising. The full accounts are attached.
Kid’s Club
- A huge thanks to Claire and Gregor for all their organising in the background.
- At present there are 64 kids going out in 10 groups.
- There have been some great results at races but what is just as good is to see is how many of the kids are stepping up into leadership roles. Charley Kennedy, Ashleigh Irvine, Hollie Alderson, Ava Marsh, Aidan Baltrunas and Archie Kennedy have been helping out with Active schools groups. Ruby Clarke, Fergus Beard , Cameron Bungey and Finn Forsyth have been helping out on Saturdays.
- 5 parents + Cameron are doing a British Cycling level 2 training course in a couple of weeks with Cycle wild training.
- Mark is looking at doing a Level 1 training course in Spring with Ruby, Finlay, Kyler + 1 other.
- A huge thanks to all parents and helpers who have helped out with the club.
Lochaber Trail Association.
- Next dig is the 26th of November at Torlundy.
- There have been 13 digs this year.
- The digs are generally held on the last Sunday of each month, however, Mark will look at changing the October one next year to avoid a clash with the FTF.
- There is a plan to do a dig on the afternoon of Saturday the 9th of December in conjunction with Kids Club.
Election of Office bearers
Doug gave a big thanks to everyone on the committee for all the work that they have done over the past year.
Chairman – Dave Parfitt proposed – Gill Barnes seconded- Gregor Muir
Official Secretary – Marian Austin proposed – Doug Little seconded- Norman Clark
Membership Secretary – Jacqui Parfitt proposed – Nix Forster seconded- Gill Barnes
Treasurer– Gill Barnes proposed – Jacqui Parfitt seconded-Mark Clark
Minutes Secretaries – Lorraine Whelan Proposed – Doug Little seconded – Dave Parfitt
– Sam Potter Proposed – Jacqui Parfitt seconded – Gregor Muir
Newsletter/social media person – Henry Cairns Proposed Doug Little seconded – Lorraine Whelan
Child protection Officer – Claire Abernethy Proposed – Gregor Muir seconded- Lorraine Whelan
Junior reps – Aidan Baltrunas, Ava Marsh,
General– Mark Clark, Norman Clark, Steve Bradley .Gregor Muir
Mandy Watson is keen to get more junior events organised to enable kids to get a more gradual introduction to racing. It was proposed by Jacqui and seconded by Dave that she join the committee as Junior Events Coordinator.
Jacqui presented Doug with a thank you card, lifetime membership of the Wheelers and some very much appreciated gifts. Andy Rogers was also given Lifetime membership in honor of his 10 years in charge and all that he still does for the club.
Subscription rates – To remain the same as last year. We shall look at increasing them next year.
- Juniors £8
- Senior £17
- Family £28
- Small family £24
- Claire is working on getting some new shirts designed.
- After 18 years Bridget Thomas is leaving her position as Active Schools Coordinator. The club would like to thank her for all the help that she has given us in this role. Doug will present her with a bunch of flowers as a thank you.
Trophy presentation.
Most improved Lady – Bronagh Wishart (presented)
Most improved Downhiller – Daniel Parfitt (presented)
Most improved Junior Male – Finn Watt (to be presented at the last kid’s club of the year)
Most improved junior Female- Mia Jackson (to be presented at the last kids club of the year)
Flying Gorilla Award – Jacqui Parfitt (presented)
Men’s Time Trials – Alastair Maclennan (not presented)
Ladies Time Trials – Sam Potter (presented)