Committee Meeting minutes 29/02/2024
WHW committee meeting Thurs 29th Feb @ 1930:
- Present:
- Steve Bradley (SB), Marian Austin (MA), Claire AK (CAK), Norman Clark (NC), Karl Bungey (KB), Mark Clark (MC), Henry Cairns (HC), Sam Potter (SP), Gregor Muir (GM), Amanda Watson (AW), Jacqui Parfitt (JP) and Dave Parfitt (DP).
- Doug Little (DL) and Gill Barnes (GB).
- Minutes of last meeting / actions:
Mini DH 23rd March (AW):
- 45 riders booked (so far).
- Timing cost £384.
- 2 Commissaires (AW + 1).
- Nevis Range to provide 2 x First Aiders £350.
- SB said we could source tape from Frazer Coupland.
- Helpers needed on 22nd March to help tape course.
- HC to post on Socials asking for Marshalls.
Winter League / TTs (MA):
- Wolftrax Sun 3rd March (no café).
- Strontian (Ariundle) 24th March.
- MC’s Croft 7th April + BBQ, CAK to source meat.
- Emma Pearce happy to facilitate TTs plus try 1 x CX race (venue tbc).
Wednesday Nights (MA):
- Look at other venues once we have more daylight, potentially Duror where winter league race was held.
Distillery Access (MA):
- JP to put email around WHWs regarding access (Bridget Thomas).
L1 / L2 Training & Assessment (DP/CAK):
- Only 1 candidate confirmed they could attend the date given by Cyclewild for L2 assessment therefore it won’t run.
- Anyone needing to be assessed (or trained) can find a suitable ‘open’ course. WHW will fund if being done for the club.
- MC running a L2 training, has space for 1 more on course.
- KB keen to go through the British Cycling Coaching scheme, again WHW will help fund if awards are being used for the club.
Mountain Festival (DP):
- Thanks to HC and CAK for flyers, etc.
New Jerseys (CAK):
- (Fortan) Jersey ‘A’ chosen as design (vote taken by committee), CAK to proceed.
Adult Coaching Sessions (DP):
- Antoine (Nevis Range Bike School) wanted to let the club know that he was keen to run more adult sessions as per last year. Feedback from the members who had participated was very good. There will potentially be a WHW discount for these sessions.
- Thanks to MC for running the free coaching sessions which were well attended (20+ kids). Those who took had a great time and gained valuable skills.
- MC wished to remind the club that Alba Mountain Biking very kindly offers a 20% discount for members.
Trail Names (JP):
- Enquiry to the club about naming trails. This isn’t in the club remit and the member was referred to the LTA / Trailforks. FLS policy is that ‘unofficial trails’ aren’t named. JP replied to member with relevant information.
Bank Balance (DP):
- £8296.64 (thanks to GB for dropping off the information)
- We’ve had a kind offer for free club stickers and will get some printed (WHW logo) to see if popular. JP
- Rock up and Ride keen to work with the club again CAK happy to proceed as per last year.
- KB looking to set up a First Aid course (Strontian), will let the club know as members would be welcome to book if there are spaces.
- NC kindly volunteered to set up the ‘user group’ for the pumptrack.
- WHW to fund a BMX coach for the ‘BMX Bowl’. GM/JP
Date for next meeting:
- Tues 21st May.