whw agm – Thursday the 3rd of November 2022…
Present – Doug Little, Mandy Watson, Aidan Baltrunas, Stefan Baltrunas, Dave Parfitt, Jacqui Parfitt, Sally Weaser, Gregor Muir, Nathan Marsh, Aileen Marsh, Lia Marsh, Ava Marsh, Leon Simms, Emma Pearce, Steve Bradley, Gary MacDonald, Jo Doeg-Smith, Andy Rogers, Marian Austin,Claire Abernethy, Gill Barnes,Damian Forster, Nicola Forster, Vince Mackintosh, Ross Dunn, Ruby Clark, Norman Clark, Alastair MacLennan, Norma Marshall, Lance Marshall, Melissa Cardosi, Elise MacGregor, Lorraine Whelan, Linzi Beckett, Stephen Cant, Campbell Mackintosh.
Apologies – Mark Clark.
Doug thanked everyone for coming, The Highland Soap Factory for providing the venue and Mandy for organizing everything for us.
Minutes of the last AGM – Proposed as accurate by Marian, seconded by Jacqui.
Chairman’s report;
Notable successes. In no particular order.
- Liam Moynihan -3rd in Mountain of Hell, 2nd in Megavalanche, 1st in Macavalanche
- Daniel Parfitt – 2ND under 16 at the mega, 43rd overall.
- Alastair Maclennan- 1st in BDS race at Fort William, 2nd in the national champs.
- Nina Cameron has competed at 3 World cups.
- Cole Jackson – first overall youth at the SES 2022.
- SDA Series overall
Sean Petig 2nd senior men
MacLennan 3rd veteran men
Mikayla Parton 3rd elite female
Archie Ferguson 2nd youth
Daniel Parfitt 3rd youth
- Mini Downhill at the World Cup at Fort William
U10 Daniel Fronzcek 1st, Fraser Crans Crombie 2nd
Under 16 – Sorley Swabey 1st
U10 females 1st Lily cant 2nd Charley Kennedy
- Mikayla is one of the contenders for the DMBINS female riders of the year
- Gary Macdonald -1st 10 under Ben 19-39 solos, 1ST IN Scottish cycling cyclocross at Muir of Ord and currently leading the overall standings .
- Ladies group – Going from strength to strength and Scottish Cycling have recently made a video which they intend to use an example for other clubs – many thanks to Jacqui for all her efforts.
- Wed night teenage group – There are regularly 8 youngsters going off with Gregor whatever the weather – great to see.
- Jacqui Parfitt, Linzi Beckett and Lorraine Whelan are all now Scottish Cycling Mental health champions.
- Although there are still more girls than boys in Kids Club, the number of girls is increasing and they now make up almost a third of all participants . There were 5 girls racing in the recent hardline at Golspie ( this is a great increase on previous years). We have had funding to specifically train up female leaders and have created 2 girls only groups to try to increase female participation and it seems to be paying off!
- It is really great to see teenagers who have been coming to Kid’s Club sessions for many years now regularly helping out with coaching sessions. Congratulations to Nina Cameron and Cory Muir for getting their Fundamentals of Mountain bike ( level 1) qualifications.
Fort to Fort
Held last Sunday the 30th of October, starting in Fort William. This was the 30th anniversary of the FTF, so it was really great to see John Ireland taking part as he was behind the original event which was part of the opening week of the Great Glen Way. 43 participants, with £260+ being raised for MacMillan Cancer support in memory of Fiona Gunn.
1st Male – Gary MacDonald 1.35.47 2nd male Gavin Dempster 1.40.05
1st Female – Marie Meldrum 2.00.07 2nd Female Hannah Barnes 2.37.37
1st Junior Campbell Mackintosh 1.42.00 2nd Junior – Logan Anderson 2.21.53
1st e-bike Lorraine Whelan 2.32.23 2nd e-bike Linzi Beckett 2.32.24
Special mention to Aaron Tressider ( years old)2.19.51 and his younger brother Kai 3.07.06
A huge thanks to Jacqui for spending all day doing the timing, driving people around and providing refreshments. Many thanks also to Lance, Rachel, Andrew and Marian for marshalling in the rain.
Winter League
All 8 planned races went ahead last year. Many thanks to everyone that helped with organizing races and marshalling. Thanks also to Andy for working out the scoring. In all 43 males (including 8 e-bikers) and 18 females took part ( including 3 e-bikers)
There were also 7 junior races held with 4 girls and 10 boys taking part
1st Male- Gary MacDonald 2nd Male Campbell Mackintosh
1st Lady – Sam Potter 2nd female Gill Barnes
1st Junior Campbell Mackintosh 2nd Junior – Daniel Parfitt
1st male e-biker –AJ MacDonald 2nd e-biker Leon Simms
1st lady e-biker Lindsay Jarret 2nd lady – Norma Marshall
U12 boys 1st Aaron Tressider, 2nd Archie Kennedy
U12 girls 1st Lily Cant 2nd Isla Cant
U8 boys 1st Kai Tressider 2nd Alastair Cant
U8 girls 1st Charlie Kennedy 2nd Niamh Cant
This year things have become a little more complicated with Forestry asking for licences to be granted for any events on Forestry Land where more than 25 participants are expected. This has slowed down the planning process a little. Marian has put together the following schedule. As ever, dates and venues may be subject to a little bit of change, although the first few can definitely go down in your diary.
Sunday 20th November – Cour Loup time trial – Marian and Doug
Sunday 4th December – Achaderry Estate, Roybridge – Leon Sims and Lance
Sunday 18th December – Xmas Handicap – Glen Nevis – Andy Rogers
Tuesday the 27th December – Nevis Range – Clare Mackintosh Memorial – Vince Mackintosh
Sunday 15th January – Upper Glenloy – Mark Clark
Sunday 5th February – Invergarry, whitegates- Vince
Sunday 26th February – Wolftrax?
Sunday 19th of March – Argyll – NACC?
Sunday 23rd April. – Nevis Range Enduro
Please note that we still need Organizers for the race at Wolftrax in February and the enduro at Nevis Range in April. Please get in contact with Marian if you are able to help.
With 8 races planned, the best 5 will count towards the overall league results. Kid’s races will be held where possible and will be run separately by kid’s club.
Races will be free of charge for members. For non-members the charge will be £2 for children and £5 for adults.
Anyone completing 3 races will receive a WHW buff
The aim would be to have some shorter, less technical options to be available at most venues.
Xmas Handicap
Many thanks to Andy for once again organizing this. To be held in Glen Nevis on Sunday the 18th of December.
We have 319 members in total ( 369 last year, 247 in 2020)
22 under 18 student memberships
61 adult memberships
226 members in 69 family memberships
10 members in small family memberships
With the new “rolling system” of membership only one renewal reminder is currently sent out. Jacqui is going to send out extra reminders to people who perhaps missed their first one.
Time Trials
Many thanks to Emma, Dave and Alastair who put together a schedule of 7 races. Many thanks also to everyone else that helped with organizing, marshalling and timekeeping. In all 24 males and 7 females took part. Alastair worked out that there were on average 9.7 riders per race.
1st Male Campbell Macintosh 2nd Male Ed Daynes
1st Lady Mairi Meldrum 2nd Lady Geraldine Sosnowski
1st Junior Campbell Macintosh 2nd Cory Muir.
With regard to next year’s Time Trials – Emma, Nathan and Vince are going to get together to have a discussion about how to approach things. Ross Dunn also mentioned that there is a keen road biking college student who may well be able to help develop things. Ross is going to contact him.
Wednesday Night Rides
Numbers have been good for these. Many thanks to Gregor for putting together the schedules.
- The club is going to buy 4 handlebar mounted night riding lights for members to borrow. Gregor will keep a hold of these.
Rock up and ride project from Scottish Cycling
This is going ahead, with pupils from Lundavra and Inverlochy primary schools taking part in the pilot scheme. Bridget is doing a large part of the organization for this – many thanks!
Confirmed from Event Scotland that we are getting £8500 funding to hold a festival to celebrate the World Champs being held in Fort William and “The power of the bike”. Working together with the Fort William Foxes we are aiming to put together a 3 day festival with all activities free of charge and an aim to get people new people out biking ( as well as providing fun events for those that already bike!)
Elise MacGregor from the Fort William Foxes gave an update as to what is happening.
This is still subject to change, but the main details should be confirmed soon!
Friday 24th March – Film night at the Highland Cinema
Sat 25th March – Caol Community Centre – a day of fun filled family friendly biking (and non biking) activities.
Sun 26th March – Bike sale at The Auction Mart followed by led rides by Wheelers and Foxes Leaders and World Championship ambassadors.
Club Dig day at Nevis Range on Sat 10th December– from 10 until 2the club will be holding a trail maintenance day at Nevis Range in conjunction with Lochaber Trail Association.
Treasurers Report
Gill reported that (taking into account unsold stock) we are sitting in a similar position to the same time last year. Major expenditure over the last year was a £2873 donation to the Bike Park which enabled them to access a grant of £25000.
Kid’s Club
- 60 kids ( 9 groups) are regularly scheduled to come out on Saturday mornings.
- Kid’s from the club have been having some great results. As an example – A couple of weekends ago at the Highland Hardline at Golspie we had the following results
-u16 boys 1st Sorley Swabey 2nd Archie Ferguson
-U14 girls 2nd Hollie Alderton 3rd Ava Marsh
-U14 boys 1st Alan Cameron2nd Ross Loughray 3rd Jack Bamber
-U12 girls 3rd Lia Marsh
-U10 girls 2nd Charley Kennedy
-On the same weekend Archie Roger and Callan Brown both got first in their categories in the SES race at Innerleithen.
- The last club session for this year will be on the 3rd December.
- 5 teenagers are going to be doing their fundamentals of Mountain Biking Leadership course with Mike Pescod on the 27th and 28th of November.
- Mandy and Stefan have been looking into organizing a residential at Innerleithen/ Glentress in April time next year.
- A massive thanks to all the leaders and parents who have all given their time voluntarily to help get the groups out and keep the spirit of the club going
Election of Office bearers
Doug gave a big thanks to everyone on the committee for all the work that they have done over the past year.
Chairperson – Doug Little proposed – Marian Austin seconded- Gill Barnes
Official Secretary – Marian Austin proposed – Doug Little seconded- Norman Clark
Membership Secretary – Jacqui Parfitt proposed – Gregor Muir seconded- Gill Barnes
Treasurer- Gill Barnes proposed – Norman Clark seconded- Jacqui Parfitt
Minutes Secretary – Lorraine Whelan Proposed – Doug Little seconded – Dave Parfitt
Kid’s club rep – Doug Little proposed – Claire Abernethy seconded – Marian Austin
Newsletter/ website ???
Child protection and
covid officer -Gregor Muir proposed Norman Clark seconded-Doug Little
Junior rep – Aidan Baltrunas, Ava Marsh, Hollie ?
Time Trials/ road Biking – Nathan Marsh.
General- Mark Clark, Norman Clark, Steve Bradley.
- With regard to the Child Protection position, Claire Abernethy has said that she will get more involved with helping out with this.
- We still need people to come forward to help with getting a newsletter out, keeping the website up to date etc.
Subscription rates – To remain the same as last year
- Juniors £8
- Senior £17
- Family £28
- Small family £24
- Gary Macdonald asked whether it would be possible to bring the start times of the FTF and Winter League races forward slightly. It was agreed that this would be a good idea for the FTF, but not necessarily feasible for the Winter League races as there are quite often junior races to be held before.
- Sally Weaser is keen to help develop some sort of kid’s club in Oban. She wondered whether it would be possible to bring some kid’s up from Oban to do some sessions with kid’s club leaders so that they can get a taste of how the whole thing works. They have funding to pay leaders for this and it would be at a time out with of normal kid’s club sessions, so would not detract from these. It was agreed that it would be great to discuss this further at Kid’s Club.
- Vince is planning to run an SXC race at Nevis Range on May 21st 2023. The club would be keen to help out with this. Scottish cycling have also just been in contact with Vince to see if we would be keen to run a junior Dirt Crit race – it was agreed that we would be keen to do this
- The importance of being able to access past results for comparison purposes was bought up. Vince is going to liase with Evelyn, Doug and Shaun about finding an easy way to do this on the website.
Next Meeting – Tuesday 6th December- 7.30 at Doug’s house.
Trophy presentation.
Most improved Lady – Sam Potter
Most improved Downhiller – Sorley Swabey
Most improved Junior Male – Allan Grieve
Most improved junior Female- Lily Cant
Flying Gorilla Award – Cory Muir