AGM MINUTES – 14/11/24

Minutes  West Highland Wheelers AGM 14th November 2024

7pm Lochaber Rural Complex

Present Dave, Jacqui and Daniel Parfitt, Nix and Damien Forster, Gregor Muir, Stefan, Emma Pearce, Bridget Thomas, Chris Waters, Doug Little, Alastair Maclennan, Steve Bradley, Claire Abernethy, Gill Barnes, Norman Clark, Henry Cairns, Bronagh Wishart, Ruari Watt, Marian Austin, Andy Rogers

1 – Apologies  Karl Bungey

Dave thanked everyone for coming along and the Rural Education Trust for providing the venue.

2 – Minutes of 2023 AGM  Proposed as accurate by Gregor Muir, Seconded by Emma Pearce

3 – Chairman’s report

The club has had members competing in a wide range of mountain bike competitions over this year from mini dhs  to world champs, just missing Olympians.

Notable achievements

Cross country/ Cyclo cross Lily and Isla Cant and Kai and Aaron Tressider have been flying the club flag for these, ( as well as competing in other disciplines) winning the Scottish Schools Mtb mixed team champs.

Lily Cant got 5 x 1sts and a 2nd across SXC, 10 under the Ben , Tweedlove and Muckmedden

Isla Cant was 1st at Muckmedden, Tweedlove and an SXC

Kai Tresidder won all 5 of his SXC races and the series

Aaron Tresidder was young in his category this year but was still sitting 3rd in the series until his last race (which didn’t go as planned!) , he was also 1st junior in 10 under the Ben and 1st junior in the Fort to Fort and 7th overall. He was also 6th in the 1st cyclocross race of the season.

Es Tresidder has also been flying the flag in the cyclocross over 40s

Gary MacDonald had a quiet race season but still managed to win a couple of SXCs and become Scottish SXC champion in the 40 to 49 category

In Enduro Mia Jackson was 1st overall in the Hope womens enduro at Ae forset (1st in category and fastest lady overall)

Cole Jackson was 3rd overall in the national enduro series (U21) came 12th in the Open EDR in Loudenville France and was 3rd in the Southern Enduro series

Ava Marsh was 2nd at Muckmedden and 2nd at Laggan Tweedlove enduros

Charley Kennedy got a 1st and a 2nd at the Hope PMBAs, finishing 2nd overall.

Downhill.. In DH its been great to see loads of riders  (both male and female) from the club taking part across the different age groups with

In mini DH Archie Rodger was 3rd at Learnie, Mia Jackson was 1st in Learnie and Nevis Range and at the mini DH final at the World cup at  Nevis Range the club took 1st female in (U12), Lily Cant,  U14 Mia Jackson and U16 Isla Cant

At a National/ Regional level

Alexander Pervan was 1st in the SDA overall, 2nd in the Scottish Champs and 5th in the national series overall

Sorley Swabey was 1st junior and fastest time of the day in the national race at Glencoe and 2nd overall in the British series

Danny Parfitt was 3rd at British Champs

Mikayla Parton was 2nd at British champs

At the Scottish Champs club ladies took 1st (Nina Cameron) 2nd (Tiandra Anderson) and 3rd (Laura Jackson) and Marcus Scott took 1st in the 40 plus category.

Nina also took 2nd elite female at the British round at Nevis Range

At a European level Hollie Alderson, Aidan Baltrunas, Alexander Pervan and Mikayla Parton all headed out to race at the European champs.

At World Cup level the club was represented by 3 juniors (Daniel Parfitt, Sorley Swabey and Alexander Pervan) and by 2 elite females (Nina Cameron and Mikayla Parton)

Daniel Parfitt was 3rd at Nevis Range and finished 10th overall (and top British junior) in the junior male world cup standings.

Mikayla Parton finished 9th at Fort William

Both Daniel and Mikayla competed in the world championships.

Time Trials

No national level time trial competitors that we are aware of but thanks to Emma Pearce for organising the local series. 26 men and 12 ladies competed across 7 races. In the overalls 1st male was Oli Warlow, 2nd Robin Downie, 3rd Donald Paterson and 1st female Iona Hamilton, 2nd Emma Pearce and 3rd Nix Forster. No juniors competed this year.

The series included 2 gravel rounds this year.

Winter League

Last winter 7 races , thanks to Marian and Andy and everyone who ran them

1st male Liam Moynihan, 2nd Ben Miller,  (27 riders overall)

1st junior male Aaron Tresidder (and 6th overall) 2nd Alexander Pervan

1st female Lily Cant (also 1st U18) 2nd Katie Maclennan (14 in total)

1st Ebike Stewart MacMillan 2nd AJ MacDonald (5 in total)

U12 boys 1st Kaiden Springett

U10 boys 1st equal Kai Tresidder, Harris Thompson and Alastair Cant

Thanks to Marian for organising once again. This will be the last series Marian organisers so we are looking for  a new organiser to take over from her. No organiser will equal no winter league

Thanks also to Nix/ Lochaber Athletic Club for sharing their winter league dates so we could aim to avoid too many clashes this year.

There are 8 provisional races with the best 6 counting for the overall

Aim is to have kids races at at least 2 of the races.

Races will be free of charge to members, £5 non member adult and £2 non member child

There will also be the annual xmas handicap, thanks to Andy R for organising

Provisional Schedule
DEC8thDurorBen M
 22ndGlen Nevis (Xmas Handicap)Andy
 29thNevis RangeTBC
JAN19thCour loopDave
 20thGlen LoyMark C

Fort to Fort Held last Sunday in October, 25 riders making just over £130 for Cancer Research

Bike and blether rides are still going well,

Members have helped with adaptive sessions  at the pumptrack for disability Scotland and Glencoe House

Members have been helping at LTA dig days at Allt a Mhuillin and Erracht

Mandy and Claire ran a successful mini DH at Nevis Range (assisted by several other members)

Wednesday Night Rides continue. Thankyou once again to Gregor for keeping on top of the schedule and his unwavering enthusiasm and to Henry for finally taking this job off Gregors hands


Total members 432, slightly up on last year (416)

249 males, 168 female, 15 prefer not to say

4 – Treasurer’s report Thanks to Gill for keeping on top of the accounts

Gill had brought along  treasurers statements for the year to 1st November 2024 which were available to all attendees.

Approx £7000 at start of year, now just over £10000 in the bank.

Membership subs up slightly to £4235

Mini DH was a great event raising £1194

We have spent £1500 on training, 6 people have done level 2 training and 1 assessment

5 – Kids Club report

Great to see kids progressing from kids club to racing with special mention to Steve Bradleys group who started age 5/ 6 and several have now raced at world level

Kids club is running well, with 56 kids in place at the moment and a good band of 10 level 2 and parent helpers committed to helping each week.

We have 4 volunteers who have completed their level 2  training and are awaiting their level 2 assessment.

We have kids from Skye, Oban and Fort Augustus attending every week.

The waiting list currently has around 8 kids on it, unfortunately the running theme is 8-9 year old boys, we already have 2 groups of this age group and unfortunately although we have a fair amount of level 2 we do not have them all, every weekend – there are some spaces further up in the groups and ages.

The last session will be on the 7th of December, we will do the presentation of the most improved boy and girl then and serve up hot chocolates, at the moment there are no plans for club to run over winter, and we will resume after the Easter Holidays.

6 – Election of office bearers and committee

•              Chairman Dave Parfitt proposed Steve Bradley, seconded Gregor Muir

•              Secretaries – official secretary  Marian Austin proposed Dave Parfitt seconded Jacqui Parfitt

  • Minutes secretary…. No volunteer

•              Treasurer  Gill Barnes Proposed Jacqui Parfitt seconded Dave Parfitt

•              Membership  Jacqui Parfitt Proposed Gregor Muir seconded Dave Parfitt

•              Junior rep  no volunteer but Robbie Cant will ask Lily if interested

                Social / Website  Henry Cairns Proposed Jacqui Parfitt, seconded Marian Austin

General members Claire AK, Doug Little, Norman Clark, Karl Bungey, Steve Bradley all agreed to remain on committee

7 – AOCB 

As no one offered to run the winter league series it was agreed an email would be sent out

LTA Mark Clark reported they had had quite a good year with 13 digs organised, the next one planned for 24th November on the CIC path with Friends of Nevis, then there will be one in Glen Nevis in December and in February a dig as part of the mountain festival working on sunset with Trash Free trails, Tracy Mosely and Marcus Stix. The association works in 4 regions, Glen Nevis, Torlundy, Strone, Glen Loy. Trails are inspected every year and a hierarchy of need created from the most pressing issues, this directs the dig days. The 1st 2 years have focussed mainly on safety issues but now there should be more progress to trail improvement. Also looking at trails in Inchree to see if can do anything there.

Emma Pearce how folk could register interest that easier trails be built, Mark said that they have been working on Sunset to make it an easier trail but that in general they are maintaining existing trails rather than building new and it would not be appropriate to change the nature and difficulty of existing trails.

8. Trophy presentations

Quick end to the evening as no trophy winners were present! But trophies will go to the following:-

Most Improved lady Jenny Beattie

Benji Fair Memorial Trophy for most improved downhiller Alexander Pervan

Mens Time Trial Oli Warlow

Ladies Time Trial Iona Hamilton

Most improved junior male .. Archie Rodgers

Most improved junior female… Charley Kennedy

committee meeting minutes 10/10/2024

West Highland Wheelers Committee Meeting Thursday 10th October 2024

  1. Present

Gregor Muir, Henry Cairns, Claire Abernethy, Norman Clark, Marian Austin, Dave Parfitt, Jacqui Parfitt,

  1. Apologies – Steve Bradley, Gill Barnes, Sam Potter, Karl Bungey, Doug Little,
  2. Minutes of Last meeting

Time trials

Need to ask for trophies back and engrave with new winners (Oli Warlow and Iona Hamilton) for AGM

Wed nights

Agreed we have run out of light evenings for leons croft, defer to spring.

Winter league

Marian looking for someone to pass it over to.. please.

Kids Club

All running fine

Nevis Range “owe” for 2 uplift days from grant funding, agreed ask whether funding could be used for coaching days with leaders and helpers instead

Action CA to contact Nikki Howie


  1. DL and GB not present.. to check whether new gazebo leg paid for and ordered, to check at next meeting
  2. HC Nevis Tri Club doing bikers versus runners race again 9th November. Would like to run under wheelers insurance as per previous event … Marion confirms insurance cover OK



Start at 10am rather than 11am .  27th October. Registration 9.15 at main carpark

Fort Augustus to Fort William

Doug happy to put signage out and sweep at back

Jacqui happy to do timing unless other volunteers come forward

Marshall request to go on facebook and email

Teas and coffees and homebaking at end

Action HC email and facebook



Marian is looking to pass this job on to someone new, agreed ask at the AGM, if no one comes forward then appeal again next summer with a note that league can not run without coordinator

Marian has got dates from LAC so provisional dates of league to try to avoid clashes although LAC have 3 dates  in both  November and January leaving only 1 weekend free so may need to be a clash. The only free November date clashes with bikers vs runners race therefore agreed winter league will start in December

Nacc happy to do any date in march and going to plan their league around that date

Marian has  to fill in and submit forestry forms for duror and strontian ASAP, agreed Marian will let organisers know last years maps will be used unless different route submitted before her submission date

Provisional league schedule  run through, a couple of dates to firm up with organisers but should be ready shortly.


  1. AGM

£30 per hour cost of rural complex hire agrees and JP will confirm

7pm to 9pm

Bike park AGM will follow wheelers AGM

Teas coffees homebakes  DP to organize

Need to request trophies back   can be dropped in at nevis cycles and DP will get engraved with this years winners ready for AGM

(Last years winners Mia Jackson and Finn Watt kids club, Daniel P downhill, Sam P time trial, Bronagh W most improved lady, Alastair M time trials, Jacqui flying gorilla)

This years Most improved kids club to be confirmed by Clare and Gregor

Most Improved downhiller and lady discussed and agreed, to be revealed at the AGM

  1. AOCB

MA affiliation needs to be in by late November .. CA has kids club data and JP membership data

GM will give some info about pumptrack use. We are asked about members with disability but do not ask this on our membership form, to look into for future, kids club forms have this info, CA to include (numbers only no identifiers)


                MA Neil at SC trying to get calendar of events for North area, would hope to run a couple of mini dhs in collaboration with Wolfpax

CA reported re email from MW ..? has been attending SC calendar meetings and trying to organize pumptrack and mini dh/ short course races

Action Marian to contact MW to clarify


GM Bike Park

Hoping to schedule  dates for all activities… adult biking, ladies biking, adaptive biking, intro to skateboarding etc in the near future

Ran sessions at parasport festival which went well


CA  Nevis Cycles exploring the possibility of running a 2nd hand  bike/ outdoor sale at mart and would like to know if wheelers would collaborate, also asking Off Beat Bikes if they would like to be involved.  Working plan is £10 a table, agreed we would like to be involved, will advertise to members and ? club have a table for folk to drop off  if only one or two items to sell ?


  1. Date of Next Meeting

AGM  November 14th 2024


Action HC email out agenda and notification




minutes of committee meeting 04/06/24

Minutes WHW committee meeting Tues 4th June @ 1930:

  1. Present Jacqui p Marian A, Gregor M, Doug L , Gill B, Claire AK, Henry C, Mark C, Norman C


Dave Parfitt, Sam Potter, Steve Bradley, Mandy Watson, Karl B

  • Minutes of last meeting / actions:

Mini DH (AW)

Race went very well, thanks to Mandy for organising


Timing £384.00

Medical cover £420

Bc levy £93

Food for pack lunches £54.64

Commissaire expenses £92.31

Commissaire accommodation £82.80

Medals £74.35

Number boards £44.90

Total spend £1210

Total income £2440

Funds to club £1230

Committee keen to explore running one again next year

Winter League / TTs (MA)

  • Thanks to Karl for putting on a good race at Strontian, nice to be back to the venue
  • Thanks to Lance and Doug for putting on Wolftrax
  • Thanks to Mark for putting on the finale at his croft, Norman for running the BBQ and everyone who has turned up to race and helped throughout the league
  • Insurance due for renewal, Marian will look into it for next year… agreed we need winter league on insurance
  • Next year permissions will need to be asked for earlier
  • Action DP  Put Winter league on agenda for next meeting

Time Trials

  • Happening some really busy some quiet
  • Actions HC  Send club email 1 week before each race and put on Instagram as well as facebook 

Wednesday Nights

  • Discussed rota with Gregor, all keen to retry Duror as a venue
  • Actions MA Ask Ben M if he can lead an evening at Duror

Distillery Access

  • Distillery path currently on back burner with access officer

L1 / L2 Training & Assessment

  • Sam Wood has completed his L2 and taking kids club group
  • Teenagers struggling with time and commitment at present so no L1 planned

New Jerseys

Thanks to Claire for hard work with these, al ordered jerseys distributed, spares available, looking good

  • WHW run sessions at the bike park  (GM)

Norman is now the  liason between whw and bike park. The bike park committee would like to see WHW running adult, ladies and kids intro sessions, the foxes are currently running ladies ones but query also sessions aimed at “older” ladies

Possibility of running kids sessions on the bike park in the holidays ? whether through active schools.. summer sessions still in planning stage but if not possibly through kids club

Chris Waters is looking at running adult male sessions.. to discuss further

Wednesday night ride is at the pumptrack on 26th June can we advertise it better to encourage more folk along

Agreed there is a challenge to finding leaders with extra time available, Norman is able to be there some evenings to give advice

Actions HC advertise 26th June pumptrack evening on facebook Instagram and in newsletter

NC/GM liase with Chris Waters

CAK/DL check with active schools re kids sessions/ organise kids club session

  • Bank Balance (GB)



AW talking about pumptrack racing with Scottish cycling  and when she gets more info and a plan will be in touch,

Had email from British Cycling to say they have  opened up tender process for national dh events in 2025.. agreed we are not ready for this (yet!) and leave with SDA organising

Fort to Fort Doug put the date in last year

Action DL  contact again to check we have  permissions,

    Whitebridge access is there any resolution, are the road bridge works finished and pavement open?

Action JP … ask Bridget whether the road bridge pavement is now accessible/ any progress on old bridge access

Kids Club (CAK)

Going well, another group of 8 year old boys will hopefully start after summer. Approx 64 kids at present

Lochaber sports association (DL) no longer getting funding but have some money left .. max £500 per club and needs match funding ? use for 1st aid course.

Could use M and S dental practice or? yacht club over a weekend as venues

Action DP Speak to MF re possible date and costs

Action JP Check with KB re course in Strontian

LTA (MC)  dig at the end of the month , Sunset now open and running well

If anyone is keen to help run digs please get in touch with LTA..

Action MC to email club info and can be included in next club email(HK)

Glencoe House (GM/DL)

Have new adaptive bikes they cant use as no level 2s to help out. Looking for level 2 to volunteer to take out children that attend Glencoe House in school time. ? start with a 1 off session before summer holiday to get an idea of needs and commitment

Action JP Contact Melissa at Glencoe House and suggest second last Wednesday of term 4  bikes and 4 kids  11.15 to 1 (approx.) JP DL NC GM all agreed to help if date and time suit

Pumptrackathon (GM/CAK) 22nd June

Challenge to cover distance needed to climb various things of increasing height (from Cow Hill to Everest) booklets produced to get laps stamped as work way through. Looking for adult teams as well as kids, £40 min sponsorship

Action HC include appeal for adult teams in newsletter (HC)

          Skate park.. NC liasing with Craig about coaching for skate park, JP contacted Unit 23 re BMX coaching but  no response to email

Action NC  liase with Craig to see if any BMX  coach suggestions

  • Date for next meeting  Thursday 8th August 7.30 Marians

Committee Meeting minutes 29/02/2024


WHW committee meeting Thurs 29th Feb @ 1930:

  1. Present:
  2. Steve Bradley (SB), Marian Austin (MA), Claire AK (CAK), Norman Clark (NC), Karl Bungey (KB), Mark Clark (MC), Henry Cairns (HC), Sam Potter (SP), Gregor Muir (GM), Amanda Watson (AW), Jacqui Parfitt (JP) and Dave Parfitt (DP).


  • Doug Little (DL) and Gill Barnes (GB).
  • Minutes of last meeting / actions:

Mini DH 23rd March (AW):

  • 45 riders booked (so far).
  • Timing cost £384.
  • 2 Commissaires (AW + 1).
  • Nevis Range to provide 2 x First Aiders £350.
  • SB said we could source tape from Frazer Coupland.
  • Helpers needed on 22nd March to help tape course.
  • HC to post on Socials asking for Marshalls.

Winter League / TTs (MA):

  • Wolftrax Sun 3rd March (no café).
  • Strontian (Ariundle) 24th March.
  • MC’s Croft 7th April + BBQ, CAK to source meat.
  • Emma Pearce happy to facilitate TTs plus try 1 x CX race (venue tbc).

Wednesday Nights (MA):

  • Look at other venues once we have more daylight, potentially Duror where winter league race was held.

Distillery Access (MA):

  • JP to put email around WHWs regarding access (Bridget Thomas).

L1 / L2 Training & Assessment (DP/CAK):

  • Only 1 candidate confirmed they could attend the date given by Cyclewild for L2 assessment therefore it won’t run.
  • Anyone needing to be assessed (or trained) can find a suitable ‘open’ course. WHW will fund if being done for the club.
  • MC running a L2 training, has space for 1 more on course.
  • KB keen to go through the British Cycling Coaching scheme, again WHW will help fund if awards are being used for the club.

Mountain Festival (DP):

  • Thanks to HC and CAK for flyers, etc.

New Jerseys (CAK):

  • (Fortan) Jersey ‘A’ chosen as design (vote taken by committee), CAK to proceed.

Adult Coaching Sessions (DP):

  • Antoine (Nevis Range Bike School) wanted to let the club know that he was keen to run more adult sessions as per last year. Feedback from the members who had participated was very good. There will potentially be a WHW discount for these sessions.
  • Thanks to MC for running the free coaching sessions which were well attended (20+ kids). Those who took had a great time and gained valuable skills.
  • MC wished to remind the club that Alba Mountain Biking very kindly offers a 20% discount for members.

Trail Names (JP):

  • Enquiry to the club about naming trails. This isn’t in the club remit and the member was referred to the LTA / Trailforks. FLS policy is that ‘unofficial trails’ aren’t named. JP replied to member with relevant information.

Bank Balance (DP):

  • £8296.64 (thanks to GB for dropping off the information)


  • We’ve had a kind offer for free club stickers and will get some printed (WHW logo) to see if popular. JP
  • Rock up and Ride keen to work with the club again CAK happy to proceed as per last year.
  • KB looking to set up a First Aid course (Strontian), will let the club know as members would be welcome to book if there are spaces.
  • NC kindly volunteered to set up the ‘user group’ for the pumptrack.
  • WHW to fund a BMX coach for the ‘BMX Bowl’. GM/JP

Date for next meeting:

  • Tues 21st May.

committee minutes 05/12/23

Minutes WHW committee meeting: Tues 5th December 20223

  1. Present: Claire Abernethy (CA), Karl Bungey (KB), Norman Clark (NC), Mandy Watson (MW), Mark Clark (MC), Marian Austin (MA), Sam Potter (SP), Jacqui (JP) and Dave Parfitt (DP)

Apologies: Gregor Muir, Gill Barnes, Doug Little, Steve Bradley, Aiden and Ava

  • Confirmation of committee roles: as noted in AGM minutes with the addition of MW(junior events co-ordinator) and KB (general committee member)
  • Minutes of last meeting: actions as noted below
  • Winter League:
  • Duror run under ‘Access Legislation’26 registered racers (WHW and NACC), an excellent race – many thanks to Ben Miller and his team for organising
  • FLS wish to have “honest discussion” re numbers at WHW races MA
  • KB now has permission from FLS for Strontian round
  • Nevis and Wolftrax permissions, etc. still tbc MA
  • ‘Gravel Group’ (North Of Scotland, SC) SP to attend ZOOM meeting first Monday of every month
  • Dates for L1 & 2 training / assessment:
  • MC to confirm dates for a Level 2 Training course (prov. 27th – 28th Jan) and Level 1 course (prov. 24th – 25th)
  • MC to liaise with CA regarding confirmation of dates and course participants
  • MC has kindly offered discounts to club members for different courses and also a free training day for kids (19th Feb) – details to be emailed to club, JP will send out with newsletter
  • Free online CPS course, MA to give those interested the code
  • First Aid course for 6, CA, to look at options
  • DP to look at funding options still available to us (£300 still use from LSA)
  • Mini DH and junior ambassador roles:
  • Aidan and Ava will put together a Google Doc Survey as part of their role as Junior Ambassadors for Scottish Cycling, CA to email around Kids Club
  • MW to organise a Scottish Cycling Mini DH at Nevis Range (MW will contact), this will be run on a course which is all rollable and therefore accessible to most riders from u10 – u16 level – prov. SAT 23rd March
  • Pre L1 coach programme for 14-16, MW more info to follow…
  • Mountain Festival:
  • WHW to have leaflets / poster / etc. on Nevis Cycles stand , if Off-Beat has a stand we will ask them as well CA
  • New Jerseys:
  • Agreed to pay Fortan £40 for new design, jerseys will be £32 Adults and £29 Youth CA
  • Community Sports Hub (CSH):
  • Overview of meeting attended by DP
  • Will look through links to funding options provided by CSH DP
  1. Bank Balance:
  • £6124.46 as of 04/12/23
  1. AOCB:
  • Funding for Adult Coaching Sessions DP
  • WHW LTA session, Torlundy SAT 9th DEC MC
  • LTA rideout SUN 10th DEC MC
  • LTA & FLS talking about re-opening ‘The Cackle’ MC
  1. Date for next meeting:
  • Thurs 22nd Feb @ 1930 (Dave and Jacqui’s)

minutes of Committee meeting -19/09/23

West Highland Wheelers Committee Meeting –Tuesday 19th September 2023

Present – Doug Little, Marian Austin, Gregor Muir, Gill Barnes, Norman Clark, Mark Clark, Steve Bradley, Dave and Jacqui Parfitt.

Apologies – Nathan Marsh.

Fort to Fort

  • Planned for Sunday the 29th of October.
  • Permission has been given from The Great Glen Way Events team to run the event.
  • The crash barrier on the pavement at Bridge of Oich is still there and the old pedestrian footbridge is still closed. It was agreed that we would pursue these issues further, but if nothing can be resolved we shall go from Fort William to Fort Augustus again. Gregor is going to send an email to Stewart Easthaugh to ask what can be done.
  • Sign on will be from 9.30 until 9.45 with the first riders leaving at 10.00.
  • It would be good to remind people that the clocks go back one hour on Saturday night.
  • Riders will be asked for a minimum £5 donation to take part in the event. This will be donated to Highland Hospice in memory of Lynsay Jarrett.
  • As per last year, rather than being run as a race this will be a “club ride”. We shall still provide timing so that riders can compare their times against each other, and against previous years. Riders will be covered for third party liability by Scottish Cycling. It would be good to remind riders that for this event, and other events that the club runs, that they should consider joining Scottish Cycling if they require more comprehensive insurance.
  • Doug will sweep at the back on his e-bike. It was decided that we did not have to have a sweeper van as most people will be able to call on their own back up.
  • We need to advertise for someone to do timing and for marshals.
  • Tea, coffee and tray bakes will be provided at the end.
  • High School kids are able to do the race unaccompanied.
  • Doug will write a newsletter to be sent out by Sunday 1st of October to promote the event and ask for Marshalls. Also included in this newsletter needs to be info about the AGM, Winter League and Wednesday night rides + an appeal for a new Chairman, social media person and someone to help with child protection issues.


  • Planned for Thursday the 9th of November at 7.30 -venue to be confirmed.
  • The agenda needs to go out 3 weeks beforehand.
  • The bike track AGM will follow immediately after.
  • Awards

           – Most Improved Downhiller  –  Daniel Parfitt

           – Most improved Lady -Bronagh

           – Most improved Junior male – to be decided by the kid’s club committee

           – Most improved junior female – to be decided by the kid’s club committee.

           It was agreed that the kid’s trophies would be presented at the final kid’s club session of the year.

  • Presentations

          – Doug will do a chairman’s report (including a kid’s club report)

          – Gill will do a treasurer’s report.

  • Committee positions.

  – Doug is definitely standing down as chairman.

  – We also definitely need to find someone to be social secretary and help with the flow  information  to members through newsletters, social media etc .

– We also need someone to help with child  protection .

  • Subscriptions for 2023/2024- agreed to keep the same for this year but to definitely look at increasing them next year.

         – Juniors/students  £8.00

         – Senior £17.00

         – Family £28.00

         – Small Family (it was agreed to keep this) £24

  • Doug will collect all the trophies for presentation.

Winter League

  • Agreed to hold 8 races.
  • The date for the first race is provisionally going to be the 19th of November, followed by the 3rd of December.
  • Marian is going to check with Vince re a date for the Clare Mackintosh memorial. There is only one bank holiday between Christmas and New year (the 26th) so it might be better to run it on a date after New Year.
  • Mark is happy to run a race at his Croft but would prefer if it was later in the year this time.
  • NACC have been in touch to say that they are keen to run a race.
  • Other possible organisers/venues are Leon (Achaderry Estate), Ben Miller (Duror), Lance/Stewart (Wolftrax using the new blue run) Vince???? (Invergarry), Doug???? (Nevis Range)
  • Marian will aim to put together a rough schedule for the AGM.
  • We need to decide how many races we are doing on Forestry land and decide whether it is best to apply for a multiple permission license from Forestry.
  • Andy has very kindly agreed to run the Xmas Handicap again on Sunday the 17th of December.
  • The best 5 out of 8 races will count towards the final table standings.
  • Kids’ club races may not be possible at all the venues and will be organized separately by the kid’s club.
  • Races will be free for members. £5 for non-members.

Wednesday nights

  •  Gregor has the 4 lights for night riding that we purchased last year. It would be good to put this info out in the newsletter.
  • Gregor has made a rough schedule for the next wee while and is open to any suggestions. It was agreed that it would be a good idea to use Nevis Range as a venue more often during the winter as there is always the option there of less muddy trails.

Kid’s Club

  • Will run up until the beginning of December before stopping for the winter.
  • Level 1 course booked for the 21st and 22nd October with Mark Clark.
  • Important for insurance purposes that Leaders are up to date with their first aid qualifications, Scottish Cycling membership, CWPS training and are disclosed.

Bike Park

  • Main pumptrack is now open. Aim is now to get the skatepark and Lighting finished in the next few weeks.

Lochaber Trail Association

  • Next dig is Sunday 30th September 30th at Glen Loy. The 3rd phase of Sunset trail.
  • Mark confirmed that Nevis Range re now maintaining trails only as far as Black Crane, Ridgeline, Buddies and the old red. Once Sunset trail is finished  LTA are going to make a phased approach plan for restoring the Cackle. Forestry are going to look at restoring Broomstick Blue once the works at The North Face car park are completed.


  • Facebook issues. The changes that Jacqui has made to Facebook controls appear to be working and we have had no further pornography posts appearing.
  • Nevis Range issues. Following on from the last meeting, Gregor sent a letter to Nevis Range asking for a meeting to discuss communication issues. So far, this meeting has not happened.
  • Nevis Range are offering members a 10% discount on the upcoming Night and day enduro. Jacqui will send out info about this.
  • New BBQ. It was agreed to pay Claire £200 for her unused BBQ (RRP £300)
  • Steve confirmed that the new blue trail at Wolftrax is scheduled to be ready for the October holidays. He also offered to guide a group ride around the naturals on the other side of the road.
  • New tops. It was agreed to ask Claire to get in contact with Fortan to get a design for new  tops. These tops should keep intact the essence of the old ones. If possible, it would be great to have a sample to show at the AGM so that we can ask for orders. To give everyone an idea of the correct size then it would be great if Claire could bring along a selection of Nevis Cycles ones to try on.
  • Following contact from Scottish Cycling it was agreed to ask at the AGM if there is any interest in the club running organized gravel bike rides.

Bank Balance – £14090  (£7000 of this is to go to the pump track)

Next Meeting – The AGM on Thursday the 9th of November.

Committee Meeting 25/07/23

West Highland Wheelers -Minutes of Meeting

25th July 2023

Present: Doug Little, Gill Barnes, Gregor Muir, Dave Parfitt, Jacqui Parfitt, Marian Austin.

Apologies: Steve Bradley, Lorraine Whelan.

Actions from Last Meeting:

  • Mark still needs to give us the costs for doing a Level 1 course on 2nd and 3rd September.
  • Congratulations to Zoe and Chris for passing their Level 2 assessment. Andrew is doing his assessment in August.
  • Gregor and Nathan still need to liase about doing a Scottish Cycling Club Protection Officer course.
  • Doug still needs to contact Simon at Highland First Aid about doing a free 2-hour refresher course.
  • Jacqui has sent out info about the rolling membership system in a newsletter.
  • The website has been updated re Bike and Blether.

World Champs Fringe Event- Wednesday the 26th of July at Achaderry Estate Roy Bridge:

  • Scottish Cycling are giving us £300 towards hosting this event.
  • Many thanks to Leon for hosting the event and coming up with the novel idea of holding a fun biathlon competition. The club will offer to pay Leon for any of the costs associated with running this event.
  • Doug will do the BBQ.

Nevis Range letter:

  • There have been some fairly significant communication issues recently between the club and Nevis Range. Gregor has drafted an email to be sent to Nikki at Nevis Range outlining these issues and asking for a meeting so that we can discuss how to address them and improve things going forward.
  • Marian will forward this email to the Nevis Range Board of Directors
  • It was agreed that Gregor, Gill, Doug and Ruari would aim to attend any prospective meeting.

Fort William Bike Park:

  • Plans are well afoot for the opening of the Bike Park on Wednesday the 2nd of August.
  • Marshalls are needed to help with the opening event. Jacqui will send out an e mail asking for marshalls and ask them to get in touch with Ruari.
  • As agreed at the last meeting, the Wheelers will contribute £7000 towards ensuring that the work is finished at the Bike Park. £3500 of this will be an outright donation and £3500 will be a loan to be repaid over the course of 5 years.
  • Work on the 2 pump tracks is finished, however there is still work needed to finish the skatepark. For this reason, the bike park will be open for a couple of days and then will close again until the skatepark is finished and a security fence has been put up around the whole development.
  • Once work is finished the bike park will not be open to the general public during school hours.

Opening hours for the public will be;

Mon to Thu 16.00 – 21.00

Friday 14.00 – 21.00

Weekends and School holidays 8.30 to 21.00

  • During school hours, recognized user groups will be able to book time slots. The board of the bike park will need to approve these groups and there will be an annual administration fee involved. The wheelers will be a recognized user group and it will be necessary to appoint someone who can verify any Wheelers members that wish to use the Bike Park during school hours.


  • Provisionally planned for Thursday the 9th of November.
  • It was agreed that it would be good to hold it again at The Highland Soap Factory. Doug will liase with Mandy about this.
  • As per the last few years, the bike park AGM will be tagged on at the end of the Wheelers AGM.

Fort to Fort:

  • Planned for the last Sunday in October – the 29th.
  • All donations this year will go towards Highland Hospice in memory of Lyndsay Jarret.
  • The aim this year would be to run the race starting from Fort Augustus. It would be good to avoid the road bridge at Bridge of Oich and go over the old bridge. Doug will make initial enquiries with The Great Glen Events team about getting this bridge open for the event.

Wednesday Nights:

  • Going well, but it was agreed that there was a need to provide more info about meeting points for everyone.
  • Rather than naming leaders it would be good to just say that “there will be 3 groups of differing levels”
  • If Gregor is not going to be there and he has not found a specific replacement to run the teenager’s group then this needs to be made clear. Teenagers will still of course be able to come along but will need to join other groups.

Facebook/Social media:

  • There have recently been some issues with people posting pornography on our Facebook page. Fortunately, these were spotted reasonably quickly and removed. In order to try to avoid these postings in the future Jacqui has locked as many settings down as she can on Facebook. For example, people will only be able to post if they have been a member for a month. It was agreed that we should monitor how this goes before deciding if we need to take stronger action.
  • With the World Champs coming up Scottish Cycling have been reminding clubs of the need for websites to be as welcoming as possible to new members. Glasgow Wheelers website was specifically quoted as an example of good practice.
  • It was agreed again about the need to find a social media person who can monitor/respond to facebook posts, send out newsletters, forward relevant info from Scottish Cycling newsletters etc.


  • BBQ – the need to do a risk assessment for this was discussed. We need to make enquiries about who could do a gas safety certificate for us and how much this will cost. In the meantime, Dave will see if he can get hold of a risk assessment for gas cookers from Nevis Range and we shall continue to do visual inspections and above all ensure that the BBQ is well cleaned.
  • Tops – we need to make a new order of tops.  It was agreed that we would use Shredz again. After the World Champs are done and dusted Jacqui will send out a request in a newsletter for sizes.

Bank Account:

  • Currently standing at £13507

Next Meeting

  • Tuesday the 19th of September at Marians house at 7.30

committee meeting minutes 16th may 2023

West Highland Wheelers Committee Meeting – 16/05/23

Present; Doug Little, Marian Austin, Gregor Muir, Gill Barnes, Norman Clark, Mark Clark.

Apologies; Steve Bradley, Dave Parfitt, Lorraine Whelan, Jacqui Parfitt.

Bikmo/British Cycling Club of the year award.

  • As part of this award we have £100 to spend on an event of our choice. It was agreed that it would be good to put the money towards an event to celebrate the opening of the bike park.
  • Also, as part of the award we also get a free year’s affiliation with British Cycling. Doug to forward details about this to Marian.
  • Bikmo would like to do a feature on the club and have asked for a video highlighting all that we do. This is in addition to the Scottish Cycling Bike and Blether video, which they would like to use. Doug to see if we can get anyone from kid’s club ( Ava/Aidan/Holly?) to do a video.

Winter League.

  • This year we held 2 races on forestry land and were not charged by forestry for this. If we are going to do more than 2 next year it might be worth applying for a licence to cover several events (£250) as per the athletics club. It was however generally felt that we might only be doing 2 races again on forestry land. If doing races on forestry land, it is important that we minimize the use of “guerilla tracks”
  • Mark is happy to do a race again at his croft, but would prefer that it would be slighter later in the series, so that he can combine it with a BBQ.
  • It would be good to approach the Foxes about running a race.
  • Our event insurance is up for renewal. The price has increased from £468 to £489. This covers us for 15 non-road events for up to 250 people. It gives us £20 million in public liability insurance which is what forestry require in order to run races. It also covers anyone volunteering at races. It was agreed that we would renew the insurance at the new price.

Time Trials.

  • Going well. It is great to get the Triathlon club involvement.
  • Norman is going to post on facebook about the “ Tour of the Pistes” charity ride later in the year. Norman would be happy to take anyone interested to Laggan to join in the ride to Fort William from there.

Wednesday Night Rides.

  • Numbers have recently been very good and it was agreed that having designated leaders for different level rides was working well.

Kid’s Club.

  • Mark is going to run a level 1 course for 6 riders on the 2nd and 3rd of Sept. Mark will let us know the cost for this. As an introduction to the course, he will run a taster session on the morning of the 10th of June.
  • Zoe Newson, Andrew O’Hagen and Chris Waters from the Bike Kitchen all needing to do their level 2 assessments as soon as possible. Mark is not yet able to do this for us, and Mike is away in India for a couple of months. Doug/Bridget to contact Karl at the college to see if they have any assessments coming up. The other option would be Glenmore Lodge.
  • Gregor/Doug to speak to Chris about doing a maintenance session/sessions for the club.
  • Nathan has offered to help out with Child protection. When we are looking for affiliation next year it is important that he has done the Scottish Cycling Protection officer’s course.
  • Doug to contact Simon at Highland First Aid about doing his 2-hour free refresher course.
  • As part of Nevis Range’s funding application to Sport Scotland for upgrading the downhill track it was verbally agreed the kid’s club would get three free uplift days. We need to work out the dates and logistics for this.


  • Agreed that it was a great success. Would be good to look at collaborating with the Foxes on a smaller festival next year.
  • The final payment of £1250 should be made to us from Event Scotland on 24/5.

Bike and Blether.

  • Bike and Blether rides are now mixed rides.
  • We need to update the website about these rides.


  • Jacqui has learned a bit more about things that we need to keep an eye out for in the new rolling system. A bit of monthly admin is needed to keep on top of this.
  • Jacqui is going to write some info to send out in a newsletter reminding everyone about how the rolling membership works.

Trail Association.

  • The next dig is this Sunday the 21/05 at Achaderry Estate.
  • Mark informed us of the following points agreed at a recent meeting with Forestry.
  • The Trails at Strone should be re-opening within the next month.
  • Forestry have pledged to provide £1500 per annum to LTA to help with materials for maintaining trails.
  • Subject to receiving a plan, forestry has agreed that LTA can take over the Cackle. It would be good to involve the Kid’s club in helping to develop this.
  • Forestry will be looking after Broomstick Blue and the puggy line.

Bike Park

  • Work is well underway and the opening date is planned for Wed the 2nd of August.
  • There is currently a funding shortfall of around £10,000. This is needed for the special sound protective fence, without which the project will not be able to go ahead. Gregor is working on making up this shortfall, it was however agreed that if it comes to the stage that a shortfall of cash is holding up the opening of the Bike Park, then the Wheelers would help out financially. We would provide up to £3500 as an outright donation and a loan of up to £3500 which would be repaid.


  • As of this year, Highland Council will no longer be providing any funding for Sports Councils. Once current reserves are spent, then the likelihood is that Lochaber Sports Association will wind down. It would be good to take advantage of available funds this year. We can apply for a maximum of £500 per application with a total limit of £1000 per annum. Any applications have to be match funded by the club. Doug to pass contact details to Gregor to see if the Bike Park can use any of the funding.
  • Ava and Aidan have applied to join the Scottish Cycling Young Ambassadors Programme. They will find out in June if they have been successful.

Bank Account– currently standing at £12700

Next Meeting – Tuesday the 25th of July at 7.30. Provisionally at Gill’s House.


  • Doug to see if Aidan/Holly/Ava would be interested in doing a video outlining club activities which we could send to Bikmo.
  • Mark to give us costs for running a level1 course on the 2nd and 3rd of September + a taster session on the morning of the 10th of June.
  • Doug to liase with Bridget and Karl at the college to see if we can get Andrew, Zoe and Chris on any upcoming level 2 assessments.
  • Gregor/Doug to speak to Chris about doing some maintenance sessions for the club.
  • Gregor and Nathan to liase about doing a Scottish Cycling club protection officer course.
  • Doug to contact Simon at Highland First Aid about doing a 2 hour first aid refresher course.
  • Jacqui to write some info about the rolling membership system to send out in a newsletter.
  • Doug to update the website re Bike and Blether.

committee meeting minutes 7th March 2023

Minutes of Meeting

7th March 2023

Present: Doug Little, Gill Barnes, Nathan Marsh, Gregor Muir, Dave Parfit, Norman Clark, Lorraine Wheelan, Marian Austin, Steve Bradley. Fort William Foxes (FWF) members also attending were Rhiannan MacIntosh (RM), Stephanie McKenna (SM) and Elise MacGregor (EM).

Apologies: Jacqui Parfit, Mark Clark

Approval of Agenda and Minutes: all agreed

Doug welcomed everyone to the meeting and thanked Fort William Foxes representatives for coming along.

Bike Festival: 

  • General discussion around what is happening at the festival and what assistance FWF’s need from WHW. There are brochures available and all info can be found on the Foxes and Wheelers Facebook page or the festival page here:
  • RM, EM and SM: the festival will run over three days, Friday, Saturday and Sunday (24th to 26th March).
  • Friday will be held at the Highland Cinema and is a Bike Film Contest “Why I love Cycling”, video entries need to be 3 minute long videos about cycling. EM asked if WHW could try and promote this competition to get more video entries, otherwise no further help is needed.
  • Saturday will be at Caol Community Centre, lots happening inside and outside; bucking bronco, bouncy castle, kit sale, stalls and raffle – see brochure or Facebook page for further info. Funds raised by the raffle will go towards the Bike Park. EM: asked if WHW could arrange the setting up and manning the Agility Course, volunteers needed for this and FWF’s have asked if WHW could also source volunteers to assist with parking duties.
  • Sunday is a combination of Social Rides at NR (Bike and Blether), Glen Loy (Foxes) and also a Dig Day (Glen Loy (Erracht side)). WHW and FWF’s leaders will run the social rides.
  • EM: there is a requirement for a wooden roll in feature to be built for the Giant Air Bag and she has asked for help to get someone to build this (included in budget) – NC has offered to do this and will liaise with EM for build requirements.
  • EM: stated that there will be T shirts given to all of the helpers (various sizes available).
  • EM: Nevis Radio will be at the Festival all day on the Saturday.
  • Suggested Volunteers/ride leaders: Jacqui Parfit, Jill Barnes, Lorraine Wheelan, Linzi Beckett, Doug Little, Gregor Muir, Norman Clark, Stefan Baltrunas, Nathan Marsh (tbc) and Dave Parfit (tbc), Ruby Clark and Ava Marsh.

Winter League Discussion:

  • Sunday the 19th of March at Wolftrax ( including a kid’s race) – Stewart and Lance are running this race. Permissions have been granted and the café are aware that we are coming. DL might also help. MA advised that Christian needs confirmation for the race plans/route from Lance and that Lance also needs to complete a Risk Assessment. DL and Lance are going to Wolftrax on 13th March to check out the route.
  • Sunday the 2nd of April at Nevis Range – Steve is running this race. Due to possible complications with the timing equipment, and the fact that it is the opening weekend of uplift, Steve is going to run this race as a cross country race. This race will be followed by the prizegiving and BBQ. DL stated that volunteers are needed for cooking, DL will buy the food. SB stated that he is still considering the route. MA will gather the trophies in. DL will do the kids race.
  • Every rider who has completed 3 races will get a WHW buff.

Time Trials:

  • Proposed dates on Tuesdays (organisers in brackets)

18th April – Commando Memorial (Emma)

9th May –Loch Eil 10 (Andy and Nathan)

30th May – Invergarry (Vince)

20th June- Laggan Dam (Nathan)

11th July- Loch Leven (?????)

1st August- Loch Eil 10 (Doug)

22nd August Commando Memorial (Spook?)

  • Best 4 races out of 7 to count.
  • Emma to register races with Scottish Cycling.
  • GM stated that the Triathlon Club are keen to help with the Time Trials, GM will contact Sam Potter to discuss further.

Wednesday Night Rides:

  • DL discussed having an introductory night after the festival.
  • Discussed options of separating the Weds rides and adult and youth specific rides, GM happy to continue Youth Rides regardless of outcome. NM suggested advertising for an evening ride specifically at Nevis Range, a consistent Youth ride to encourage more to come along. This needs to be explored further.
  • GM looking for suggestions for places to have future Weds night rides.

Lochaber Trail Association:

  • AGM on Tuesday 14th March at the Highland Soap Company. Mark is keen to get more committee members for LTA.

Scottish Cycling Rock Up and Ride Project:

  • The Isla bikes are arrived at the beginning of March and the first lessons were held at Inverlochy and Lundavra primary schools during the first week in March.

Pump Track:

  • GM updated everyone on the progress of the Pump Track; currently they are £5000 short which means that the fence build cannot be completed until the funds are in place, Gillies Fencing have the contract and will start building the fence the last week in March. Velosolutions and Concreate aim to have the whole project built by the end of July in time for the World Champs on the 4th and 5th of August.

Any other Business:

  • Simon at Highland First Aid has very kindly offered to do a free 2 hour refresher for all leaders before Kid’s Club resumes. Venue and times TBC – not discussed.
  • Brief discussion over a community Event around the time of the World cup.
  • Website/social media – not discussed.
  • JP stated that we need more ride leaders for the mixed Bike and Blether at the Festival on the Sunday.
  • NC suggested Pump Track donations tins be at the festival to help raise funds for the shortfall of £5k.
  • WHW Uplift Pass – adult early bird price is £181.95 (full price £194.95, non members £396.95). The U17s early bird is £97.95 (full price £104.45, non members £216.95) as per the WHW email sent out to members. Cut off date for the early bird tbc.

Bank Account:

£17165 (this includes a lot of money for the festival which will be going out of the Account soon).

Next Meeting:

Tuesday 16th May at MA’s house.


  • WHW members to spread the word re “Why I love Cycling” video entries for the first event of the Festival on 24th March
  • Volunteers needed for Sat 25th – Agility Course 2 x volunteers needed for parking duties, an extra person for the Smoothie Bike and also a volunteer to float for general enquiries inside and outside
  • More Ride Leaders needed for the Bike and Blether ride on Sunday 25th (festival)
  • Gear sales at festival – have two WHW tables to sell peoples second hand bike gear and ask for volunteers to run this
  • GM to take Pump Track donations tins to the festival
  • Lance Marshall and DL to confirm route plan for Wolftrax on 19th March with Christian
  • Lance Marshall to complete Risk Assessment for Wolftrax on 19th March
  • SB to discuss with the cafe re food available for Wolftrax race on 19th March
  • MA to gather in the Trophies for the Winter League from last years League
  • DL to arrange kids race on 2nd April and buy food for BBQ
  • DL to discuss TT at Invergarry with Emma
  • NM to discuss TTs with Sam Potter (Triathlon Club) and GM will discuss with Bronagh
  • Discuss Youth Rides separating from Adult Social Weds Rides

committee meeting minutes 07/02/23

West Highland Wheelers – Committee Meeting Tuesday the 7th of February 2023

Present – Doug Little, Gregor Muir, Mark Clark, Norman Clark, Dave Parfitt, Jacqui Parfitt, Gill Barnes

Apologies – Marian Austin, Lorraine Whelan, Steve Bradley.

Winter League.

  • Thanks to Vince and Cammie for organising a great race at Invergarry at the weekend.
  • The remaining races in this year’s Winter League are;

– Sunday the 26th Feb – Barcaldine (run by NACC)

–  Sunday the 19th of March  – Wolftrax. We still need a main organiser for this. Stewart MacMillan has said that he would be willing to help out but would like someone else to assist/lead. All permissions are done for this race, we just need someone to lay out the course, do the risk assessments and run the race.

-Sunday the 2nd April – Nevis Range ( including a BBQ and prizegiving) – run by Steve Bradley. This may or may not be an enduro. Spook is going to let us know the feasibility and cost of using the timing as this may have gone up significantly. This is the first weekend of the school holidays and the opening weekend of uplift. There may well also be a number of members away racing at Innerleithen.

  • Some research by Andy has shown that the number of racers over each race has remained fairly stable over the past 4 years. It was generally agreed though, that it would be a good idea to do a Facebook poll at the end of this year’s WL to get any ideas on how we might improve things going forward and attract more racers.
  • Ben Miller very kindly offered to do a race at Duror if we were unable to get a suitable date at Nevis Range. We are now ok for Nevis Range but would definitely be very happy for Ben to organize a race at Duror next year.

Festival on the 25th, 26th and 27th of March

  • Elise has started posting information about the festival and is going to ramp this up in the next week or so when posters and fliers are printed.
  • Jacqui is going to contact Elise about her being able to post directly on to our facebook page and the Instagram account that we have just discovered that we have had since 2014!

Time Trials

  • Emma and Vince have had an initial discussion about how to change things up a little and hopefully encourage more riders to take part on a regular basis.

Bike Park

  • Things are progressing slowly. Work should hopefully start in late March, early April and finish

just in time for the World Championships.

Scottish Cycling Rock up and Ride Project

  • Many thanks to Claire Abernethy for all the time and effort that she has put into organising this. The Isla bikes are arriving at the beginning of March and the first lessons will be held at Inverlochy and Lundavra primary schools in the first week of March.

Trail Closures

  • Concerns were raised about the current temporary trail closures and whether the Wheelers need to do anything to try to help to ensure the long term future of these trails. Mark reassured us that the Lochaber Trail Association are having a meeting with FLS in the next week to discuss this very issue. High up on the agenda for this will be the need to work together more.
  • Mark feels that the best way for the Wheelers to try to help to ensure the long term future of these trails is for more wheelers members to get involved with LTA. They are currently looking for more committee members and their AGM is on Tuesday the 14th of March.
  • The next Trail Association trail dig is on Sunday the 26th of February. Meeting at 10.00 at the North Face car park at Torlundy and working on Lockdown/Rob’s trail.

Bike and Blether

  • Lorraine has set up a specific Bike and Blether facebook page which is linked to the Wheelers page.
  • Jacqui confirmed that she will be around on the Saturday and Sunday of the festival to run Bike and Blether rides.
  • Jacqui is in the process of signing the club up to the SAMH and be a part of Scotlands mental health charter for physical education and sport . All agreed that the club would be very happy to continue with this process.

Scottish Cycling

  • Affiliation has been accepted by Cycling – Claire Abernethy, Robbie Cant and Kenny Forsyth to do their CWPS before kid’s club starts up again at the end of April
  • There is a youth development online meeting 21st Feb from 6-7. Doug has said that he will attend this.
  • There is time trial commissaire face to face training on the 25th of Feb at Forrres – do we have anyone interested?
  • It was confirmed that all the required certificates for coaches need to be sent to Marian ( with Gregor copied in) as and when they are acquired/ refreshed.

Wednesday night rides

  • Many thanks to Dave for sourcing 4 new night riding lights. These are now in Gregor’s possession for anyone who wishes to borrow them. We currently have one helmet mount and 3 handlebar mounts. Dave is going to get one more handlebar mount.
  • Numbers have been low recently but the weather has been fairly horrible. Might be worth doing another introductory night for different levels just after the festival.


  • Many thanks to Simon at Highland First Aid for running a course and getting 8 members qualified/ refreshed. Simon has very kindly offered to do a free first Aid refresher session for all leaders before the start of the next block of Kid’s club sessions. Doug will contact him to confirm this.
  • Mark is keen to get 4 candidates together for a British Cycling Level 2 course so that he can finish his British Cycling tutoring process. Mark will contact Claire to chase up potential kid’s club parent candidates. Gill will speak to Claire Beattie to see if she would be interested.
  • Doug still needs to organise a  meeting with Vince, Jacqui and Evelyn to discuss the website social media etc.

Next Meeting – Tuesday the 7th of March at Doug’s house.


  1. Find an organiser for the Winter League race at Wolftrax. Doug to contact Lance and Leon to see if they would be interested in helping.
  2. Jacqui to contact Elise re posting directly on to our facebook page and Instagram.
  3. Doug to attend Youth Development Meeting on the 21st of February.
  4. Dave to source one more handlebar mount.
  5. Gregor to put an introductory night riding session into the schedule at the beginning of April after the festival.
  6. Doug to contact Simon at Highland First Aid re organising a leaders first aid refresher session.
  7. Gill to speak to Claire Beattie about possibly doing a level 2 course with Mark.
  8. Doug to organise a meeting with Vince, Jacqui and Evelyn to discuss the website, social media etc.