minutes of committee meeting 04/06/24
Minutes WHW committee meeting Tues 4th June @ 1930:
- Present Jacqui p Marian A, Gregor M, Doug L , Gill B, Claire AK, Henry C, Mark C, Norman C
Dave Parfitt, Sam Potter, Steve Bradley, Mandy Watson, Karl B
- Minutes of last meeting / actions:
Mini DH (AW)
Race went very well, thanks to Mandy for organising
Timing £384.00
Medical cover £420
Bc levy £93
Food for pack lunches £54.64
Commissaire expenses £92.31
Commissaire accommodation £82.80
Medals £74.35
Number boards £44.90
Total spend £1210
Total income £2440
Funds to club £1230
Committee keen to explore running one again next year
Winter League / TTs (MA)
- Thanks to Karl for putting on a good race at Strontian, nice to be back to the venue
- Thanks to Lance and Doug for putting on Wolftrax
- Thanks to Mark for putting on the finale at his croft, Norman for running the BBQ and everyone who has turned up to race and helped throughout the league
- Insurance due for renewal, Marian will look into it for next year… agreed we need winter league on insurance
- Next year permissions will need to be asked for earlier
- Action DP Put Winter league on agenda for next meeting
Time Trials
- Happening some really busy some quiet
- Actions HC Send club email 1 week before each race and put on Instagram as well as facebook
Wednesday Nights
- Discussed rota with Gregor, all keen to retry Duror as a venue
- Actions MA Ask Ben M if he can lead an evening at Duror
Distillery Access
- Distillery path currently on back burner with access officer
L1 / L2 Training & Assessment
- Sam Wood has completed his L2 and taking kids club group
- Teenagers struggling with time and commitment at present so no L1 planned
New Jerseys
Thanks to Claire for hard work with these, al ordered jerseys distributed, spares available, looking good
- WHW run sessions at the bike park (GM)
Norman is now the liason between whw and bike park. The bike park committee would like to see WHW running adult, ladies and kids intro sessions, the foxes are currently running ladies ones but query also sessions aimed at “older” ladies
Possibility of running kids sessions on the bike park in the holidays ? whether through active schools.. summer sessions still in planning stage but if not possibly through kids club
Chris Waters is looking at running adult male sessions.. to discuss further
Wednesday night ride is at the pumptrack on 26th June can we advertise it better to encourage more folk along
Agreed there is a challenge to finding leaders with extra time available, Norman is able to be there some evenings to give advice
Actions HC advertise 26th June pumptrack evening on facebook Instagram and in newsletter
NC/GM liase with Chris Waters
CAK/DL check with active schools re kids sessions/ organise kids club session
- Bank Balance (GB)
AW talking about pumptrack racing with Scottish cycling and when she gets more info and a plan will be in touch,
Had email from British Cycling to say they have opened up tender process for national dh events in 2025.. agreed we are not ready for this (yet!) and leave with SDA organising
Fort to Fort Doug put the date in last year
Action DL contact again to check we have permissions,
Whitebridge access is there any resolution, are the road bridge works finished and pavement open?
Action JP … ask Bridget whether the road bridge pavement is now accessible/ any progress on old bridge access
Kids Club (CAK)
Going well, another group of 8 year old boys will hopefully start after summer. Approx 64 kids at present
Lochaber sports association (DL) no longer getting funding but have some money left .. max £500 per club and needs match funding ? use for 1st aid course.
Could use M and S dental practice or? yacht club over a weekend as venues
Action DP Speak to MF re possible date and costs
Action JP Check with KB re course in Strontian
LTA (MC) dig at the end of the month , Sunset now open and running well
If anyone is keen to help run digs please get in touch with LTA..
Action MC to email club info and can be included in next club email(HK)
Glencoe House (GM/DL)
Have new adaptive bikes they cant use as no level 2s to help out. Looking for level 2 to volunteer to take out children that attend Glencoe House in school time. ? start with a 1 off session before summer holiday to get an idea of needs and commitment
Action JP Contact Melissa at Glencoe House and suggest second last Wednesday of term 4 bikes and 4 kids 11.15 to 1 (approx.) JP DL NC GM all agreed to help if date and time suit
Pumptrackathon (GM/CAK) 22nd June
Challenge to cover distance needed to climb various things of increasing height (from Cow Hill to Everest) booklets produced to get laps stamped as work way through. Looking for adult teams as well as kids, £40 min sponsorship
Action HC include appeal for adult teams in newsletter (HC)
Skate park.. NC liasing with Craig about coaching for skate park, JP contacted Unit 23 re BMX coaching but no response to email
Action NC liase with Craig to see if any BMX coach suggestions
- Date for next meeting Thursday 8th August 7.30 Marians